Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

A pair of itronoks over a nest

The itronok was a flying insectoid quadruped, about three times as tall as a humanoid, native to Trill. Their scales were capable of controlling light refraction, allowing them to become invisible at will. Itronoks could attack from a distance by shooting large, energy-charged barbs from their heads. They were carnivorous and their prey included ina raptors. Itronok pairs built nests on the ground out of rocks, in which they laid their eggs. They were extremely aggressive and dangerous when guarding their young.

Prior to his research on the Progenitors, Jinaal Bix studied itronoks. In the 2370s, he hid his piece of a map, showing the location of Progenitor technology, in a canyon near the Caves of Mak'ala that contained an itronok nesting ground. He intended this to be a test to determine how those seeking to obtain the technology would react to a lifeform vastly different from themselves.

In 3191, Jinaal guided Captain Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker to the nesting ground, and incited the itronoks to attack by having them approach with phasers drawn. Upon realizing that the itronoks were defending their eggs, Burnham and Booker disarmed themselves, after which Booker was able to empathically convince the itronoks to permit their withdrawal. Having passed Jinaal's test, he gave them his map piece. (DIS: "Jinaal")
