Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Illustor was a fictional character in Brad Boimler's holonovel Crisis Point II: Paradoxus. He was not scripted by Boimler, but was rather generated by the holodeck to populate the background when Boimler and his friends played the movie in 2381. He was an old humanoid man with markings on his forehead and a forked tongue, and carried a crystal-topped staff.

When first encountered, Illustor was one of many mad preachers on Tatasciore IX. He was extolling a mystical being called Ki-ty-ha, who he claimed had "the true answers for life's most important questions." Boimler, who was depressed about the recent accidental death of his transporter clone William Boimler, was drawn to Illustor's promises. He decided to abandon the story he had written and engage with Illustor, which required the holodeck to generate more narrative on the fly.

Beckett Mariner, who had reluctantly accompanied Boimler to Illustor's sanctum, complained about the holodeck's delay in building Illustor's backstory. At this prompt, Illustor revealed his literal "back story": a star map to Ki-ty-ha tattooed on the loose skin of his torso. Boimler agreed to Illustor's proposal to gather like-minded followers and lead them in a quest to find Ki-ty-ha, while Mariner quit the holodeck in irritation.

Later, having learned about William Boimler's death, a remorseful Mariner rejoined the story to find that Boimler had been betrayed by Illustor and thrown into the brig of their ship after failing to find Ki-ty-ha. With the timely help of Knicknac, another holodeck-generated character, they broke out and defeated Illustor's acolytes. Boimler personally pummeled Illustor unconscious, before discovering that his skin map, when pressed together in a certain way, showed the word "Ki-ty-ha" and the true path to his location on the third moon of Shatanari. (LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")

Illustor was voiced by Seth Morris.
