Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Haubold was a female Human who served as a Starfleet operations division security officer aboard the USS Cerritos during the early 2380s.

She was in the bar when the rage virus broke out in 2380, and was firing her phaser at the rage zombies along with several other crewmembers. (LD: "Second Contact")

She was later present when Lieutenant Shaxs introduced Ensign Sam Rutherford to the "bear pack" as a new security officer. She later cheered on Rutherford's decision to return to engineering. (LD: "Envoys")

She and two other security officers joined Shaxs and Commander Ransom to respond to a number of security issues, including an unauthorized airlock ejection, a missing computer core, and an attack on a Drookmani ship. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

She was in the corridor speaking with an Antaran ensign as Beckett Mariner walked by, reading "Tips for Remaining Starfleet Uniform Compliant". Later, she was present at Shaxs' funeral service following the battle with the Pakleds. (LD: "No Small Parts")

Captain Carol Freeman had this officer and the same Antaran ensign stand by outside her ready room to take Beckett Mariner to the brig after Mariner's rogue clean-up mission on Apergos in 2381. (LD: "Strange Energies")

She was a member of the away team that was sent to the surface of Frylon IV. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

She was among the crew pinned in by the Dooplercating Doopler emissary, and was at one point hanging from the ship's ceiling. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

She later participated in the training drills presented by Shari yn Yem. (LD: "I, Excretus")

Haubold dressed in leotard

Dressed in Crusher-inspired leotard

While the Cerritos was en route to the Kontaran system, she prepared for her R and R in the ship's lounge, where she sat with the Antaran ensign, as Boimler attempted to make Kayshon his bridge buddy nearby. Later, she was dressed in a Beverly Crusher-inspired exercise leotard during her scheduled R and R, when the Cerritos unexpectedly went to red alert. (LD: "wej Duj")

She wore an EV suit as she assisted Shaxs in removing all volatiles from the ship's inventory during the crew's attempt to save the USS Archimedes. She then assisted with the removal of the Cerritos' hull plates and was one of the last crewmembers to return to the ship. (LD: "First First Contact")

She later played springball on a team with Shaxs against Boimler and Sherwyns. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

She joined Shaxs and Kayshon in EV suits and type 3 phasers in anticipation of the Breen breaching the ship's hull. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

She engaged in slam poetry and recited a poem about Worf during a security recreational meeting attended by Brad Boimler. (LD: "Empathological Fallacies")


Naked Time holographic threesome

A hologram of Haubold

A hologram of Haubold appeared in the holoprogram Naked Time, where she was having a three way with holograms of a Haliian lieutenant and a Vulcan ensign. (LD: "I, Excretus")



Background information[]

Haubold was originally portrayed as a non-speaking background character until being voiced by Gideon Adlon in the fourth season episode "Empathological Fallacies"; the same episode in which her name was revealed.
