Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Pakled Planet is big and strong!"

Pakled Planet was an inhabited planet, and the homeworld of the warp-capable Pakled civilization. It had at least one moon, and its capital city was Big Strong City. (LD: "The Spy Humongous", "Grounded")

Pakled Planet

Pakled Planet, prior to its destruction

The USS Cerritos arrived in orbit of Pakled Planet on stardate 58105.1, when Captain Carol Freeman attempted to conduct peace negotiations and establish a cease-fire. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

On Stardate 58130.6, Pakled Planet was destroyed by a Varuvian bomb that had been planted in Big Strong City. Freeman was accused of assisting Klingon extremists in planting the bomb and was taken into custody by Starfleet Security shortly afterward. (LD: "First First Contact", "Grounded")

That year, it was revealed that Pakled Planet was destroyed by its own inhabitants, who framed Freeman for it in order to force the United Federation of Planets to relocate them to a brand-new planet that was rich in resources. The plan was revealed by Captain Morgan Bateson, exonerating Freeman. (LD: "Grounded")

Before it was canonically established that the Pakled homeworld was called "Pakled Planet," the Star Trek Role Playing Game supplement Aliens established that it was called Pakled.
