Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Pakled Planet surface

Big Strong City in 2381

Big Strong City was the capital city of Pakled Planet. (LD: "Grounded")

In 2381, an away team from the USS Cerritos visited Big Strong City to negotiate a cease fire with the Pakleds. During their stay, the city was swept by a revolution that replaced the existing government, and the Cerritos personnel departed without an agreement. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

Later that year, the city and a substantial amount of surrounding land was obliterated by a Varuvian bomb. Evidence emerged implicating Captain Carol Freeman in the act, which led to her arrest. However, a subsequent secret investigation by Starfleet discovered that the bomb had actually been planted by the Pakleds themselves, as part of a scheme to force the Federation to relocate them to a more resource-rich planet. (LD: "First First Contact", "Grounded")

According to Petra Aberdeen, "There were so many good artifacts in that city" prior to its destruction. (LD: "Reflections")
