Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Dean Torres was the son of Carl Torres, and had two siblings, an older sister, Elizabeth, and a younger brother, Michael.

He was fond of his father's "fish stories", where his father and his Uncle John would tell on fishing trips, of the exaggerated adventure they'd taken, as they'd often let the kids go out and fish on their own.

One time in the 2350s, Dean and his family went on a fishing trip with his Uncle John and cousin B'Elanna. After fishing, they took a break to have lunch. He somewhat cruelly picked a worm off the ground, and put it on B'Elanna's sandwich, as he said his "teacher told him Klingons like eating live food." B'Elanna got angry and pushed him over, and his older sister yelled at him, telling B'Elanna he did things like this to her all the time. But B'Elanna ran off into the woods angry, and wouldn't return to the camp until after nightfall. (VOY: "Lineage")

Dean Torres was played by actor Paul Robert Langdon.
