Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Damsel was a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder operated by DaiMon Nandi, and was in service during the late 24th century.

Dal R'El grew up aboard the Damsel, where he slept in a hammock underneath the ship's warp core. Nandi later sold Dal into slavery and acquired the robotic servant Pik-Pox.

The Damsel was later encountered in 2383, when Dal's new ship, the USS Protostar, detected a falsified distress call from it.

Following a visit aboard the ship from the Protostar crew, Nandi arranged for the theft of the ship's supply of chimerium, which allowed the Klingon cloaking device that she had in her possession to function aboard the ship, and allowed her to escape undetected after her attempted theft of a remalite crystal from the Cymari homeworld. (PRO: "First Con-tact")

Nandi later contacted The Diviner from the Damsel's bridge when she relayed to him the location of the Protostar. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 1")

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