Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Bok's Marauder was a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder of the Ferengi Alliance that was in service in the mid-24th century. In 2364, this ship was commanded by DaiMon Bok, and Kazago and Rata were the first and second officers, respectively.

On stardate 41723.9, this Ferengi vessel confronted the USS Enterprise-D in the Xendi Sabu system. For three days, they sent no message to the Enterprise, except, "Stand by, Enterprise."

Bok was trying to get revenge on Captain Picard for his only son's death at the Battle of Maxia, in which Picard had been commanding the USS Stargazer. Bok was subsequently relieved of command by his first officer, Kazago, for his "unprofitable venture." (TNG: "The Battle")

In the first draft of the script for "The Battle", Bok's ship was named the "Devo". The vessel wasn't named in the final draft of the teleplay, though. [1]

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