Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Dabo table

The dabo table in Quark's Bar

Dabo table close-up

The dabo wheel

Dabo was a roulette-style game of chance developed by the Ferengi. When one won, it was customary to shout "Dabo!". Given the "profit at any price" philosophy of the Ferengi, it was not uncommon to find that a dabo table had been rigged.

According to Quark, the rules to dabo were quite simple. (DS9: "Babel")

The Wadi, a game-loving species from the Gamma Quadrant, asked specifically for Quark's and the dabo game when they made first contact with the Federation in 2369. They played the game for the whole night and won every round. Quark had to replace the dabo girl with Broik, who immediately cheated and manipulated the game. Falow, who discovered this, then accused Quark and changed to the Wadi's own game of Chula. (DS9: "Move Along Home")

Often dabo girls were specifically instructed by their employers to distract players into losing. A common saying in dabo was "Watch the wheel, not the girl." (DS9: "The Abandoned")

Gravimetric scanners could be used to predict the outcome of a dabo game to cheat. Two Yridians used such a device at Quark's in 2373. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")

When Quark announced that Major Kira Nerys was the millionth customer of his establishment, he gave her five free spins at the dabo wheel as one of three presents. (DS9: "Meridian")

Quark once taught the rules of dabo to the Karemma representative Hanok, who promptly busted him by betting on "triple over". (DS9: "Starship Down")

During a visit to Quark's, William T. Riker won 12 bars of latinum by betting on "triple down dabo." Since Quark did not have enough latinum to pay off the bet, he gave Riker vouchers that could only be redeemed for credit at the bar. Quark voided the vouchers after providing information to Riker on the whereabouts of the Duras sisters. (TNG: "Firstborn")

Starbase 25 casino

Dabo tables in a Starbase 25 casino

In 2381, several individuals, including Klingons, Merp's species, Andorians, and Bajorans played dabo in a casino on Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Later that same year, during a visit to Deep Space 9, Ensign Brad Boimler played dabo and gained an impressive winning streak. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Dabo Tables

A sign for Dabo Tables in Stardust City

In Stardust City on Freecloud in 2399, there was a sign advertising dabo tables. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

Chase Masterson commented: "There are no rules for Dabo. It is not a real game and I have to say, Paramount dropped the ball on this one. I think they should have created a game. I still think they should. It would go over like gangbusters at conventions and on cruises". [1]

The word dabō means "I shall give" in Latin and "gold" in Aramaic.

In the PC game Star Trek Online, players can play dabo to earn latinum.


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