Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Culhane was a 24th century Starfleet officer assigned as relief conn officer, engineer, and tactical officer aboard the USS Voyager under Captain Kathryn Janeway. Culhane became stranded in the Delta Quadrant along with the rest of the crew in 2371.

Service history[]


Culhane was on duty on an aft station of the bridge when the Voyager encountered the Vidiians for the first time. Later he worked in main engineering when the Voyager set course into an asteroid. (VOY: "Phage")

He was also on duty in main engineering when the Voyager discovered the nucleogenic cloud being and tried to repair the damage the ship had caused. (VOY: "The Cloud")

He passed Captain Janeway, Chakotay, and Tuvok in a corridor moments before Telek R'Mor was beamed aboard. (VOY: "Eye of the Needle")

Culhane served as relief operations officer on the bridge during the absence of Harry Kim and manned an aft station when Kim returned from Banea. After the case of the Baneans was solved, he had a meal in the mess hall. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

He had a meal in the mess hall a few days later, shortly before the Voyager made first contact with the Sikarians and was on duty in engineering when a non-corporeal being accessed the control over the ship. (VOY: "Prime Factors", "Cathexis")

Culhane was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. He was working at a console near the entrance of engineering. (VOY: "Jetrel")

Voyager engineering crew, 2371

Standing in engineering

Culhane and Tom Paris

Culhane with Tom Paris

Culhane was on duty in engineering when Tuvok and the former Maquis crewmembers Chell, Gerron, Henley, and Dalby passed the location to get access to the Jefferies tubes. Along with Kurt Bendera he watched them sceptically. Later, he was working with another engineer at the warp core while several systems were malfunctioning due to a virus. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

He was working on the bridge when the crew found rust and a Ford truck drifting in space. He informed Tom Paris that he'll run a diagnostic before he left to an aft station. During the blue alert and the landing maneuver of Voyager on a Class L planet, he stood next to a female lieutenant when an explosion happended next to them. While on the planet, he passed the captain's ready room when Chakotay entered to talk to the captain about the future of Voyager. He was present on the bridge and listened to Captain Janeway when blue alert was activated again and Voyager left the planet of the 37's. (VOY: "The 37's")

His voice talking to Paris was provided by an unknown actor and added in post production.

Culhane manned the tactical station on the bridge and was replaced by Tuvok. He then operated one of the aft stations on the bridge when Voyager tried to locate Commander Chakotay aboard his shuttlecraft. He stood next to Captain Janeway at his station when Harry Kim detected debris of Chakotay's shuttle. (VOY: "Initiations")

He was on duty in main engineering and operating a station next to the warp core when Voyager had to handle the situation with the space-dwelling lifeforms. (VOY: "Elogium")

Culhane was on duty in engineering when Voyager discovered a distortion ring in space. He was talking to a lieutenant while working on a console when Janeway, Chakotay, and Paris entered engineering. Torres later gave him, Susan Nicoletti, and William McKenzie a briefing about the situation. While a site-to-site transport was executed, Culhane was working near the warp core. (VOY: "Twisted")


Culhane manned an aft station on the bridge, next to a lieutenant jg, when Voyager arrived at "Planet Hell". He was also present when the Reptohumanoid vessel engaged Voyager and Captain Janeway decided to take Voyager into the atmosphere of the planet to rescue Tom Paris and Neelix from the surface. (VOY: "Parturition")

In 2372, he was working on the bridge and replaced Tuvok at the tactical station. (VOY: "Tattoo")

Culhane was sitting at a table in the mess hall with another crewmember, when Quinn appeared to meet Captain Janeway. (VOY: "Death Wish")

Culhane was on duty on the bridge when Tom Paris broke the transwarp threshold in the shuttlecraft Cochrane. Later, he was on the bridge again when Paris, in his mutated form, kidnapped Captain Janeway and escaped to transwarp in the Cochrane. (VOY: "Threshold")

Culhane was on duty in engineering and listened to Neelix's speech about Tom Paris. (VOY: "Investigations")

The same year he worked on a side station on the bridge while Tuvok was trapped on a Drayan moon. (VOY: "Innocence")

Some weeks later, Tuvix briefly pleaded with Culhane to help him avoid undergoing a surgical separation procedure which Tuvix considered to be tantamount to murder. (VOY: "Tuvix")


Culhane and Crewman Foster guarded Henry Starling in sickbay and were surprised when Starling managed to escape from behind the force field and left the Voyager. (VOY: "Future's End, Part II")

He was working on the bridge when Kes, hosting the consciousness of Tieran, took a shuttlecraft and left the Voyager. (VOY: "Warlord")

Together with Lieutenant Russell, he had problems with the replicator during the absence of Neelix. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

In 2373, he was on duty on the bridge and got a PADD from Captain Janeway, shortly after The Doctor captured Kes. (VOY: "Darkling")

Culhane was on duty in main engineering when the Voyager received data from one of its probes which was found by the Borg. He later armed himself with a Starfleet phaser rifle when the ship prepared to enter Borg space. (VOY: "Scorpion")


In 2374, Culhane manned an aft station on the bridge when Kes left the ship aboard a Class 2 shuttle and transported the Voyager 9,500 light years closer to home. (VOY: "The Gift")

He was also on the bridge when the Voyager rescued B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris who were adrift in space in their environmental suits. (VOY: "Day of Honor")

Manning the operations station on the bridge, Culhane alerted Captain Janeway over com of the intercepted distress call, discovered to be sent by a Serosian HD25 Isomorphic Projection. (VOY: "Revulsion")


Culhane biomimetic copy

The biomimetic copy of Culhane

The following year, Culhane served at Tom Paris' station on the bridge while Paris was serving thirty days in the brig. According to The Doctor, in a recent encounter Culhane "confused the enemy with a brilliant series of evasive maneuvers." Janeway considered promoting Culhane to chief conn officer. Upon hearing this, Paris asked The Doctor to pass along to the Captain that "Culhane's brilliant maneuvers almost knocked me unconscious. You'd think he'd never flown a shuttle, much less a starship." (VOY: "Thirty Days")

Culhane's biomimetic copy was on duty in engineering and the last crewmember along with Seven of Nine able to work. He suffered from degradation due to radiation from a new warp core technology. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")


Culhane was in the mess hall when Lyndsay Ballard tasted her favorite salad. He also appeared between other crewmembers in Ballard's nightmare. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")

On stardate 53764, when Tal Celes went to the main engineering, she rapidly crossed with Culhane in a corridor. Later, he covered Mortimer Harren's duties in junction room 16, when Harren was forced to go on his first away mission. (VOY: "Good Shepherd")


Culhane was part of the away team, including Seven of Nine, Chakotay, Tuvok, and Tom Paris, which beamed to the Hirogen training facility where they found the Hirogen scientist Donik. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

He was on duty in engineering when Commander Chakotay evacuated the section and tried to prevent a warp core breach. (VOY: "Shattered")

He was working on a console in engineering when the ship stranded in the Void and another ship beamed cargo, food, and technology from aboard the Voyager, including Culhane's console. (VOY: "The Void")


He was in engineering when main power was installed. (VOY: "Human Error")

He was on duty in engineering when Captain Janeway, Seven of Nine, and the Otrin tried to clean the atmosphere of Otrin's homeworld in 2378. (VOY: "Friendship One")

Culhane in engineering 2378

Culhane in engineering

Culhane celebrated First Contact Day in the mess hall of the Voyager with fellow crewmembers. Later he worked on the bridge and smiled when the Talaxians Dexa and Brax visited the bridge. (VOY: "Homestead")

He was working in main engineering, when The Doctor disguised as a hologram of B'Elanna Torres asked Vorik for the location of the bio-neural gel packs. Later he was also among the crewmembers who were evacuated from engineering by Torres. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")

Culhane was working in main engineering, doing repairs under a console, when Admiral Janeway's new technology was installed aboard Voyager. (VOY: "Endgame")

Hologram []

Culhane, holo duplicate

A holographic duplicate of Culhane

A hologram of Culhane was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, Culhane was one of the wounded crewmembers in engineering. (VOY: "Projections")


Background information[]

Culhane was played by regular background actor and stand-in Louis Ortiz who received no credit for his appearances. His voice in the fourth season episode "Revulsion" was provided by an unknown actor.


External links[]
