Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)


Title Episode Production number Stardate US release date
"The 37's" 2x01 40840-120 48975.1 1995-08-28
"Initiations" 2x02 40840-121 49005.3 1995-09-04
"Projections" 2x03 40840-117 48892.1 1995-09-11
"Elogium" 2x04 40840-118 48921.3 1995-09-18
"Non Sequitur" 2x05 40840-122 49011.0 1995-09-25
"Twisted" 2x06 40840-119 Unknown 1995-10-02
"Parturition" 2x07 40840-123 Unknown 1995-10-09
"Persistence of Vision" 2x08 40840-124 Unknown 1995-10-30
"Tattoo" 2x09 40840-125 Unknown 1995-11-06
"Cold Fire" 2x10 40840-126 49164.8 1995-11-13
"Maneuvers" 2x11 40840-127 49208.5 1995-11-20
"Resistance" 2x12 40840-128 Unknown 1995-11-27
"Prototype" 2x13 40840-129 Unknown 1996-01-15
"Alliances" 2x14 40840-131 49337.4 1996-01-22
"Threshold" 2x15 40840-132 49373.4 1996-01-29
"Meld" 2x16 40840-133 Unknown 1996-02-05
"Dreadnought" 2x17 40840-134 49447.0 1996-02-12
"Death Wish" 2x18 40840-130 49301.2 1996-02-19
"Lifesigns" 2x19 40840-136 49504.3 1996-02-26
"Investigations" 2x20 40840-135 49485.2 1996-03-13
"Deadlock" 2x21 40840-137 49548.7 1996-03-18
"Innocence" 2x22 40840-138 49578.2 1996-04-08
"The Thaw" 2x23 40840-139 Unknown 1996-04-29
"Tuvix" 2x24 40840-140 49655.2 1996-05-06
"Resolutions" 2x25 40840-141 49690.1 1996-05-13
"Basics, Part I" 2x26 40840-142 Unknown 1996-05-20


Recurrent themes of tension and mistrust between the Starfleet and Maquis crews, although largely resolved in the season one episode "Learning Curve", once again resurface in "Maneuvers" and "Meld". Inter-crew relations are brought to a head while under intense, continuous attack by the Kazon in "Alliances", and when Janeway is cajoled into initiating a Maquis-led idea of a deal between the USS Voyager and the warring Kazon factions, narrowly averted disaster is enough to quell the two crews into a marriage of Starfleet ideals and ethics. Indeed, increased and more dramatic conflict between Voyager and the Kazon is the main feature of the second season, aided and abetted as the Kazon are by the vengefully villainous and by now, more Cardassian-looking Seska. Her vendetta against Janeway brings Voyager to the brink of destruction more than once during the season in "Maneuvers", "Alliances", and "Investigations", and culminates in the season finale "Basics, Part I" when Voyager's crew is marooned by Seska and Culluh of the Kazon-Nistrim on a world inhabited by creatures and prehistoric humanoids.

Alongside the Seska/Kazon story arc of the second season sits another spy in Voyager's ranks. Michael Jonas, a disillusioned former Maquis crewmember assigned to engineering, is revealed to have been secretly communicating with Seska as she attempts to seize control of Voyager. Events leading up to the exposure of Jonas traverse the entire middle of the season, as does Tom Paris' apparent malcontent and ultimate decision to leave Voyager (revealed in "Investigations" as an attempt by Tuvok and Janeway to ascertain who the spy is).

With Seska and the conflict with the Kazon as central themes, the rest of the season continues to develop the main characters, and more particularly their relationships with each other. Of singular note is the birth (in "Deadlock") of Ensign Samantha Wildman's baby, Naomi, but firm bonds and friendships develop between individual crew members as the series continues to evolve and find its feet. A connection between Paris and B'Elanna Torres is hinted at as she confides past mistakes to him and communicates concern at his increasingly errant behavior in "Dreadnought". Paris also finally makes peace with Neelix when forced to work with him to ensure their survival in "Parturition". Kes and The Doctor's relationship solidifies in "Elogium" and "Lifesigns", and Kes's trust in Tuvok is pivotal when dealing with her burgeoning and uncontrollable mental abilities in "Cold Fire". Tuvok and Neelix continue to make the perfect "odd couple", but their pairing takes on special significance when a transporter accident fuses them into a single being in "Tuvix". Finally and conclusively, Janeway and Chakotay find a common understanding, and any allusion to a romantic interest between the two is finally laid to rest in "Resolutions".

"I didn't feel as if I could have a love-affair with the second-in-command because, I had to get these people home.. I got them lost, and I really couldn't be doing things in the Ready Room" : – Kate Mulgrew (speaking at Sacramento, USA Convention 2003 (uploaded on YouTube))

A few of these relationships, though in their infancy in season two, would go on to become increasingly important as the series moved on.

Background information[]


VOY Season 2 cast

Season 2 cast


Also starring[]

Guest and co-stars[]


The following credits are based on the production order of the episodes. Note that "Projections", "Elogium", "Twisted", and "The 37's" were filmed as part of season one.
Based Upon Star Trek Created by
Created by
Theme by
Line Producer
Supervising Producers
Executive Producers
Executive Story Editor
  • Kenneth Biller ("Projections” – “Meld")

Music by

  • Paul Baillargeon ("Lifesigns")
  • David Bell ("Projections", "Persistence of Vision", "Meld", "The Thaw")
  • Jay Chattaway ("Twisted", "Non Sequitur", "Maneuvers", "Death Wish", "Threshold", "Investigations", "Innocence", "Tuvix")
  • Dennis McCarthy ("Elogium", "The 37's", "Initiations", "Parturition", "Tattoo", "Cold Fire", "Resistance", "Prototype", "Alliances", "Dreadnought", "Deadlock", "Resolutions", "Basics, Part I")

Director of Photography

Production Designer


  • Daryl Baskin (every third episode after and including "Twisted")
  • Tom Benko, ACE (every third episode after and including "Elogium")
  • Robert Lederman (every third episode after and including "Projections")

Unit Production Manager

First Assistant Directors

Second Assistant Directors

Casting by

Original Casting

Casting Executive

Costume Designer

Set Decorators

Visual Effects Producer

Visual Effects Supervisors

Post Production Supervisor

Supervising Editor

Scenic Art Supervisor/Technical Consultant

Scenic Art Consultant

Senior Illustrator/Technical Consultant

Make-Up Designed and Supervised by

Art Director

Set Designer

Assistant Editors

Visual Effects Coordinators

Visual Effects Series Coordinator

Visual Effects Associates

Script Supervisor

Special Effects

Property Master

Construction Coordinator

Scenic Artists

Junior Illustrator

  • Jim Magdaleno (even-numbered episodes from "Prototype" through "Resolutions", except for "The Thaw")

Video Coordinator

Hair Designers

Make-Up Artists

  • Tina Hoffman ("Elogium” – “The 37's", "Non Sequitur” – “Persistence of Vision", "Cold Fire” – “Resistance", "Death Wish” – “Threshold", "Dreadnought” – “Lifesigns", "Innocence", "The Thaw", "Basics, Part I")
  • Gil Mosko ("Innocence” – “Tuvix")
  • Greg Nelson ("Projections", "Twisted” – “Initiations", "Parturition” – “Tattoo", "Maneuvers” – “Prototype", "Alliances” – “Meld", "Investigations” – “Deadlock", "The Thaw” – “Resolutions")
  • Mark Shostrom ("Projections", "Elogium", "The 37's” – “Non Sequitur", "Persistence of Vision” – “Cold Fire", "Resistance” – “Death Wish", "Threshold” – “Dreadnought", "Lifesigns", "Deadlock", "Tuvix” – “Basics, Part I")
  • Scott Wheeler ("Projections” – “Twisted", "Initiations” – “Parturition", "Tattoo” – “Maneuvers", "Prototype” – “Alliances", "Meld” – “Investigations", "Deadlock", "Innocence", "Resolutions", "Basics, Part I")

Hair Stylists

  • Karen Asano-Myers ("Projections", "Twisted", "Initiations” – “Parturition", odd-numbered episodes from "Tattoo" through "Resolutions")
  • Laura Connolly (even-numbered episodes from "Persistence of Vision" through "Basics, Part I")
  • Shawn McKay ("Elogium", "The 37's")
  • Patricia Miller ("Projections” – “The 37's")
  • Barbara Minster ("Initiations” – “Basics, Part I")

Wardrobe Supervisors

  • Camille Argus ("Projections", "Twisted", even-numbered episodes from "Non Sequitur'" through "Basics, Part I")
  • Carol Kunz ("Elogium", "The 37's", odd-numbered episodes from "Initiations" through "Resolutions")

Sound Mixer

Camera Operators

  • Joe Chess, SOC ("Projections” – “The 37's")
  • Doug Knapp, SOC ("Initiations” – “Deadlock", "Tuvix” – “Basics, Part I")
  • Ron E. High, SOC ("Innocence", "The Thaw")

Chief Lighting Technician

First Company Grips

Key Costumers

  • Matt Hoffman ("Elogium", "The 37's", odd-numbered episodes from "Initiations" through "Resolutions")
  • Kimberley Shull ("Projections", "Twisted", even-numbered episodes from "Persistence of Vision" through "Basics, Part I")
  • Jamie Thomas ("Projections", "Twisted", even-numbered episodes from "Non Sequitur" through "Basics, Part I")
  • Tom Siegel ("Elogium", "The 37's", "Initiations” – “Parturition", odd-numbered episodes from "Tattoo" through "Resolutions")

Music Editor

Supervising Sound Editor

Supervising Sound Effects Editor

Sound Editors

Post Production Sound by

Visual Effects Assistant Editor

Production Coordinator

Post Production Coordinators

  • Cara Colombini ("Initiations" – "Death Wish")
  • Cheryl Gluckstern ("Projections" – "The 37's")
  • April Rossi ("Alliances" – "Basics, Part I")

Production Associates

Pre-Production Coordinator

Stunt Coordinator

  • Dennis Madalone ("Projections", "Elogium", "The 37's” – “Persistence of Vision", "Cold Fire” – “Resistance", "Alliances", "Threshold", "Investigations", "Deadlock", "The Thaw", "Basics, Part I")

Location Manager

  • Lisa White ("The 37's", "Initiations", "Tattoo", "Death Wish", "Resolutions", "Basics, Part I")

Science Consultant

Main Title Design by


  • CST Entertainment, Inc. ("Cold Fire")

Filmed with

Motion Control Photography

Digital Optical Effects

Special Video Compositing

Computer Generated Imagery

Computer Animation

Editing Facilities

Computer Generated Effects


  • John Agalsoff – Boom Operator/Sound Cable Person ("Resistance")
  • Gail Arias – Choreographer ("Lifesigns")
  • Jamie Arias – Choreographer ("Lifesigns")
  • Karen Asano-Myers – Hair Stylist ("Resistance")
  • John Baldwin – Animal Trainer: Critters of the Cinema ("Elogium")
  • David Bernard – Sound Cable Person ("Resistance")
  • Ben Betts – Video Playback Operator ("Resistance")
  • T. Blue – Second Unit Sound Cable Person ("Resistance")
  • Roger Bourse – Lamp Operator ("Resistance")
  • Sal Butera – Pool Technical Adviser ("Twisted", "Non Sequitur", "Meld", "Lifesigns", "Tuvix")
  • Ron Calvaruzo – Extra Grip/Second Unit Second Grip ("Resistance")
  • Ian Christenberry – Lamp Operator ("Resistance")
  • Richard Chronister – Special Effects Artist ("Resistance")
  • Brian Cooper – Lamp Operator ("Resistance")
  • Dick D'Angelo – Swing Gang ("Resistance")
  • Michael DeMeritt – Second Assistant Director ("Resistance")
  • Jay Devlin – Extra Grip/Second Unit Crab Dolly Grip ("Resistance")
  • Jon Djanrelian – Craft Service ("Resistance")
  • Doug Drexler – Model Maker ("Lifesigns")
  • Kathryn S. Eisenstein – Original Casting
  • Robert Eyslee – Lamp Operator/Assistant Chief Lighting Technician ("Resistance")
  • Danny Feld – Still Photographer ("Resistance")
  • Anthony Fredrickson – Model Maker ("Lifesigns")
  • Tom J. Furginson – Swing Gnag ("Resistance")
  • Peter Hapke – Camera Operator/Extra Camera Operator ("Resistance")
  • Herrera – Set Security ("Resistance")
  • Rick Hester – Special Effects Laborer ("Resistance")
  • Ron E. High – Camera Operator/Extra Camera Operator ("Resistance")
  • Matt Hoffman – Set Costumer ("Resistance")
  • Nancy J. Hvasta Leonardi – Makeup Artist ("Tuvix", "Resolutions", "Basics, Part I")
  • Chris Ishii – First Assistant Camera Operator ("Resistance")
  • Amanda Karnes – Special Effects Artist ("Resistance")
  • C. Lee – Hair Stylist ("Resistance")
  • Dinah LeHoven – Second Assistant Director ("Resistance")
  • David Lombardi – Extra Costumer ("Resistance")
  • Scott McKnight – Assistant Chief Lighting Technician/Second Unit Chief Lighting Technician ("Resistance")
  • Scott Middleton – Second Assistant Camera Operator ("Resistance")
  • Miller – Sound Cable Person/Boom Operator ("Resistance")
  • Tom Moore – Extra Grip/Second Grip ("Resistance")
  • Gil Mosko – Lab Tech Makeup Artist ("Resistance")
  • John Nesterowicz – Set Assistant Property Person/Second Unit Property Master ("Resistance")
  • Frank O'Hea – Painter ("Resistance")
  • Dave Quashnick – Makeup Artist ("Resistance")
  • Erin Regan – Extra Costumer/Second Unit Costumer ("Resistance")
  • Greg Renta – Property Lead Person ("Resistance")
  • Charlie Russo – Set Property Person ("Resistance")
  • George Santo Pietro – Crab Dolly Grip ("Resistance")
  • Stu Satterfield – Transportation Captain ("Resistance")
  • Fernando Sepulveda – Property Lead Person ("Resistance")
  • David Sireika – Second Grip/Second Unit Key Grip ("Resistance")
  • Mark Stimson – Special Effects Artist ("Resistance")
  • Phil Stirling – Sound Cable Person ("Resistance")
  • Michael Stradling – Extra Camera Assistant/Second Unit First Assistant Camera Operator ("Resistance")
  • Thomas E. Surprenant – Makeup Artist ("Resistance")
  • Ken Suzuki – Lamp Operator ("Resistance")
  • Karen Thomas-Kolakowski – Animal Trainer: Critters of the Cinema ("Elogium")
  • Wil Thoms – Special Effects Artist ("Resistance")
  • Ira Toles – Second Unit Video Playback Operator ("Resistance")
  • Pat Vitolla – Extra Grip ("Resistance")
  • Lazard Ward – Set Security ("Resistance")
  • R. Stephen Weber – Makeup Artist ("Resistance")
  • Scott Wheeler – Makeup Artist ("Resistance")
  • Wainani Young-Tomich – DGA Trainee ("Resistance")

Media releases[]

External links[]

Previous season:
VOY Season 1
Seasons of
Star Trek: Voyager
Next season:
VOY Season 3