Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of holograms from Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta, which were originally taken from the program Boimler Seven. (LD: "Crisis Point")


Unidentified holographic duplicates


Borg drone []

Borg head, Crisis Point

A Borg drone head

In Ensign Beckett Mariner's role as Vindicta for her holodeck program, she used the severed head of this Borg drone to erect a force field, which blocked the beam of the holographic Lieutenant Shaxs' phaser bazooka. Vindicta then threw the head at Shaxs, who caught it just before it stated "Designation: Explosive", and inexplicably detonated, killing Shaxs. (LD: "Crisis Point")

This Borg head was voiced by Nolan North.

Cerritos crewmember []

This crewmember served aboard the USS Cerritos within the holoprogram. (LD: "Crisis Point")

This crewmember was voiced by Eugene Cordero.

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

Idlocana VI president []

In Beckett Mariner's movie-styled holodeck program, a holographic Admiral Vassery informed a holographic Captain Carol Freeman that the President of Idlocana VI had sent a message thanking the crew of the USS San Clemente for "a wonderful second contact". This was considered to be quite suspicious, as Starfleet did not have a ship named the San Clemente. (LD: "Crisis Point")

This president was only mentioned in dialogue.
