Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Admiral Vassery was a Human Starfleet flag officer who served as the commanding officer of Douglas Station during the 2380s. In appearance, he was bald, had a thick, gray mustache, and black eyebrows. He was known to have the tendency to mispronounce things.

Vassery and his aide visited the USS Cerritos in 2380, he awarded medals to Captain Carol Freeman and Lieutenant Beckett Mariner for their bravery and ingenuity in dealing with the terraforming emulsion. After awarding them, his mispronunciation of sense-oars led to Mariner commenting on it and telling him that Freeman was making fun of him. Vassery took offense, asking if they were really making fown of him. The incident led to Mariner's demotion back to the rank of ensign by Freeman. (LD: "Moist Vessel")

In 2381, Vassery arrived at Ferenginar aboard the USS Toronto, where he was assisted by Captain Freeman with the initial process of signing the Ferengi Alliance into the Federation. (LD: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

Vassery later got in contact with Captain Freeman and Admiral Alonzo Freeman after the Cerritos discovered that Nick Locarno was responsible for attacks on non-Federation ships. Despite the fact that he had just abducted Lieutenant junior grade Mariner, Vassery argued that Locarno had only instigated bloodless mutinies on non-Federation ships and refused to allow Starfleet to start a war. Instead, he ordered the Freemans to stand down while Starfleet discussed with ambassadors from the worlds affected by Locarno's attacks on their next course of action. Following Locarno's declaration of Nova Fleet, Vassery learned that the Cerritos was on course for the Detrion system and hailed the ship, only to discover that Lieutenant junior grade Brad Boimler was acting captain while Captain Freeman was breaching the trynar shield to rescue Mariner. After the subsequent creation of planet Locarno through use of the Genesis Device, Vassery confronted Freeman for her insubordination. However, the fact that she opened diplomatic relations with the Orions, coupled with Mariner not firing a single shot on Nova Fleet, mitigated her punishment. Before signing off, Vassery stated he needed to discuss one of her lieutenants. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")


Vassery hologram

Vassery's hologram

A holographic duplicate of Vassery was included in Beckett Mariner's holoprogram Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta. In it, he ordered the Cerritos to investigate, or more specifically – "get in, get me intel, then get out" – who made second contact with the Idlocana VI, as the supposed ship that made contact, the USS San Clemente, did not exist. (LD: "Crisis Point")



Background information[]

Vassery was voiced by Fred Tatasciore. [1]
