Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant junior grade Castro was a Human female Starfleet command division junior officer who lived during the late 24th century.

After serving on the USS Enterprise-E, she transferred, as of 2380, to the USS Cerritos. Brad Boimler referred to her as overrated due to her limited Enterprise service, on which she served "for like one minute". (LD: "Envoys")

As an ensign, she was a member of the Redshirts club, until their disbandment in 2381. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

She later participated in the training drills presented by Shari yn Yem. (LD: "I, Excretus")

She was in the bar sitting with Jennifer, following the Cerritos' battle with the Pakled Clumpship Pakled, when Brad Boimler complained about his failed bonding with the former Hawaiianers. (LD: "wej Duj")

She was at the bar when Captain Carol Freeman ordered the crew to report to their supervisors to assist in removing the Cerritos' hull plating. (LD: "First First Contact")

Castro in casual attire

Castro in casual attire

Later that year she was promoted to lieutenant junior grade.

At the salon she hosted aboard the Cerritos, she referenced her time aboard the Enterprise in a story: "It was a dark and stormy 57162.3. A stardate just like this. [...] that really I wasn't in the Enterprise, the Enterprise was in me all along." According to her friend Wendy, "Castro really nailed the theme tonight", which happened to be "Personal Battlefields." Additional activities at the salon included the making of Impulian candles. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Later that year, Jennifer Sh'reyan gave Beckett Mariner her candle back when she believed Mariner had impugned the Cerritos crew to FNN reporter Victoria Nuzé. Hurt, Mariner told her she could give the candle to Castro for all she cared. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

Shortly after the Cerritos lost the mission race to the Texas-class, Castro was at the bar drinking with another female crewmember. When Captain Freeman excitedly yelled and ran out of the bar, Castro was one of those watching the captain run out.

Shortly after the victory against the USS Aledo, Castro was once more seated at the bar, talking with some of the other crewmembers from the Cerritos and other California-class ships that had participated in the battle. (LD: "The Stars At Night")



Background information[]

Castro was voiced by Gabrielle Ruiz.

The character was initially only mentioned in dialogue in "Envoys", and first appeared unidentified in "The Spy Humongous". Her name and face were officially matched together in a display graphic appearing in "I, Excretus".
