Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tekeny Ghemor, 2373

Tekeny Ghemor – movement leader

For the insurrection against Dominion rule led by Damar, please see Cardassian Liberation Front.

The Cardassian dissident movement was a resistance movement formed to oppose the Cardassian Central Command and restore the authority of the Detapa Council. Members of the movement believed this change was critical for the future of the Cardassian people. (DS9: "Profit and Loss")

Professor Natima Lang, Hogue, and Rekelen were members of this movement in the late 2360s and 2370s. In 2370, the three were pursued as fugitives from Cardassian forces and fled to Deep Space 9. Despite the agreement of the Bajoran Provisional Government to trade them for Bajoran prisoners, Quark facilitated their escape. (DS9: "Profit and Loss")

Legate Tekeny Ghemor was secretly leading the movement when he was exposed in 2371 by the Obsidian Order and fled Cardassia. He left to live among the Mathenites, whose government had offered him sanctuary. (DS9: "Second Skin")

In 2372, following the destruction of the Obsidian Order, the movement successfully overthrew Central Command, finally restoring the civilian rule of the Detapa Council. The Klingons believed that the successful revolution was a result of Changeling infiltration within the Cardassian Union, which resulted in the unprovoked Klingon invasion of Cardassia. (DS9: "The Die is Cast", "The Way of the Warrior") Ultimately the civilian government was dissolved when Gul Dukat negotiated Cardassia's membership into the Dominion in 2373, with himself as the sole leader of Cardassia. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")

In an unfilmed or deleted scene from "Profit and Loss", Lang mentions that the planet Sadera VI was home to members of the dissident movement.

Known members[]

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