Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tal host circle

The circle of Tal hosts, including Cara

Cara Tal was the fourth Trill host of the Tal symbiont after Madela Tal, before Senna Tal.

In 3189, Adira Tal travelled to Trill aboard the USS Discovery because they could not access the memories of their past hosts. During a mental-communion in the pools of Caves of Mak'ala in 3189, Adira saw an image of Cara Tal among all past hosts of the Tal symbiont. Cara and the other hosts accepted and welcomed Adira to "the circle." Upon exiting the pools, Adira listed the symbiont's names including Cara. (DIS: "Forget Me Not")

The episode did not make clear which of the four unnamed Tal hosts were which.

Cara Tal was played by an unknown performer.
