Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ariana La Forge was a Human in the 24th century. She was the only daughter of Silva La Forge and Edward M. La Forge, and had one brother, Geordi. (TNG: "Interface")

In 2370, Ariana was seen by her mother. Later, Ariana was informed by her father that her mother's ship the USS Hera had been reported missing, which caused her considerable distress. She and her father wanted a private ceremony for memorializing Silva. (TNG: "Interface")

She once had a pet cat that she trained to jump into her arms on command. In order to train the cat, she walked around for two months with a piece of tuna in her blouse. (TNG: "Force of Nature")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Losing the Peace gives her a daughter, Nadifa LaForge (β).

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