We have a vision of a more equitable internet.


In the fight for reliable, accessible information, we’re a nonprofit focused on improving the key vector through which knowledge travels today: the internet.

During major events - such as democratic elections and political transitions, climate catastrophes and public health emergencies, armed conflicts and social turmoil - Meedan mobilizes.

Supporters and Partners

Since 2006 we've been fortunate to work with these organizations, foundations, companies, and donor agencies.

Meedan by the numbers

Adding up our ongoing impact

Our geographic and cultural footprint continues to expand along with our network of partners. Take a look at our enduring progress.

Newsrooms, journalism networks, fact-checking organizations and other partners:
Countries we work in:
Languages used on Check tiplines:
Organizations running Check tiplines:
Journalists, human rights defenders, fact-checkers and other trainees:
Theory of Change

Theory of Change

Our geographic and cultural footprint continues to expand along with our network of partners. Take a look at our enduring progress.

Explore the Theory of Change

How to partner with us

We’re always looking for new like-minded organizations and individuals to collaborate with. There are several ways we can work together.

Write us about partnering

Program funding

Program funding maximizes our impact for specific interventions. Help us support an election, respond to a crisis or strengthen media ecosystems.

Network building

Spread the word! Introduce us to your network so we can learn about other people and organizations engaged in similar efforts.

Core funding

Core funding is at the heart of our organization’s health and sustainability. Help us continue to develop the software and programs our partners need.

Idea sharing

Let’s co-design! Together, we can think of new ways for our programs and software solutions to better support the communities in which we work.