As above - it seems fairly superfluous!

Of course, that above sentence is too short... So I'll add this bit to make it pass the automated check...

2 Answers 2


I agree it is superfluous :D (I love that word).

I believe this should be deleted with the intent to move the questions associated with it to other tags which make more sense. I mean, if it was car identification it wouldn't fall directly under "car" ... it's an ID question, tag it as such. Anything else is plain idiotic to me.


There are other offenders (stats as of today):

58 x questions

32 x questions

2 x questions (this gem's tagged with all three!)

268 x questions

I can understand why folks might tag a question as , but I'm not entirely convinced it is useful when the make and model are clearly specified.

  • You can't categorize by year/make/model, so motorcycle is useful to say that it's specific to two wheels. By that logic however, we also need a specific to four wheels tag... Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 15:54
  • Motorcycle is specific to a type. For instance, you could mark a car or a motorcycle with the Suzuki tag. Motorcycle delineates. It also makes it much easier for those who have a specific thing for them to find them easy. DucatiKiller comes to mind quite readily here, lol. The other three are definitely superfluous, IMHO. Commented Jun 28, 2015 at 21:11
  • It is useful so people can subscribe to the motorcycle tab and motorcycle experts can look just for motorcycle questions. Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 19:17

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