Creating addons support

Published by OVONSAME on
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Creating addons support
Upvotes: 58
About the plugin

This plugin adds 44 mods supports with mods items and more to make your addon easily!

If you like this plugin or want to support me you can vote for it!

Author Discord - OVONSAME.


  • I'm looking for a person who knows how to make mod elements for a plugin, be my partner. So that you can help me make elements for recipes (for example farmers delight and create). If anyone wants to help me with this and contribute to this big project, you can write in the comments or write to me on Discord. Also, I already know how recipes from mods work, so you will just need to make the mod element.
  • I will only add more support for the Create mod if I have a partner who knows how to make mod elements.
  • What mod support would you like to see in the plugin? 
  • Items, blocks, etc. do not work in the selector.  In the next update, all plugin errors will be fixed including procedures.

Mod offer rules:

  • if your mod doesn't only adds something new for blocks, entities, items and other.
  • It is advisable if mod has Wiki o guide.
  • If the mod is popular enough.

Supported mods:

  • Farmer's delight
  • Diet
  • Sanity
  • Another furniture
  • Carry on
  • Tought as nails
  • Serene seasons
  • Cold sweat
  • Handcrafted
  • Nutritional balance
  • Tree chop
  • Supplementaries
  • Sons of sins
  • Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks
  • Create
  • Alex's mobs
  • Forbidden and arcanus
  • Biomes o plenty
  • Alex's caves
  • Dynamic trees
  • Botany pots
  • Locksmith
  • Aether
  • Enlightened
  • Twilight forest
  • Upgraded netherite
  • Passive skill tree
  • Aquaculture 2
  • Blue skies
  • Undergarden
  • Wizards reborn
  • Ad astra
  • Quests & reward
  • Ice and fire
  • Dot coin
  • Quark

Supported libraries:

  • Fancy menu
  • Terra blender
  • AttributeFix
  • Enchantments description
  • Just enought effect description
  • Bookshelf
  • First person model
  • Female gender

Supports versions:

  • 1.20.4 Forge/NeoForge
  • 1.20.1 Forge
  • 1.19.4 Forge
  • 1.19.2 Forge
  • 1.18.2 Forge

Coming soon:

  • Thirst was taken support.
  • More mods items, blocks and tabs in Mcreator selector
  • EMF and ETF support.
  • Epic fight support.
  • Emotecraft support.
  • Caelus support
  • Cosmic horizons support

Effects and Enchantments description:

With Just enought effect descriprion mod you can make effect description and with Enchantments descriprion mod you can make enchantments description. To do than in localization file in localization key write this:

  • Just enought effect descriprion - "effect.mod_ID.effect_ID.description"
  • Enchantment descriprion - "enchantment.mod_ID.effect_ID.desc"

But it is not necessary to include these mods in the API.


Plugin supports Forge, but some API's and procedures supports Fabric and NeoForge!

Some APIs may require mixins.

Moded items cannot be used in tags.

If you have any problems write in the comments.

Some items ID's may be wrong!


This plugin was made with MCreator plugin builder.

The logo was taken from -

Some procedures may not work.

Change log:

Version 3.7 changelog:
-Added bigger Create support.
-Fixed moded items.
-Added new procedure templates

Version 3.6 changelog:
-Added Quests & rewards support.
-Added Female gender support.
-Added Ice and fire support.
-Added Dot coin support.
-Added Quark support.

Version 3.5 changelog:
-Added First person model support.
-Bug fixed
-Added additional procedures
-Added Fabric support for items, blocks etc in Mcreator selector.

Version 3.4 changelog:
-Added Blue skies support.
-Added Undergarden support.
-Added Wizards reborn support.
-Added Ad astra support.
-Bug fixed

Version 3.3 changelog:
-Added Aquaculture 2 support.
-Added Bookshelf support.
-Bug fixed
-Added new items and entities in Mcreator selector

Version 3.2 changelog:
-Added Passive skill tree support.

Version 3.1 changelog:
-Added new procedures.

Version 3.0 changelog:
-Bug fixed.
-Added more Locksmith procedures.
-Added new templates.

Version 2.9 changelog:
-Added Botany pots, Upgraded netherite, Twilight forest, Aether support, Enlightened and Locksmith supports.
-Added more Create procedures.
-Added mods items, blocks, entities, damage sources, biomes, fluids in mcreator selector.
-Added some procedures templates.

Version 2.8 changelog:
-Added Dynamic trees support.
-Added damage procedures for mods.

Version 2.7 changelog:
-Bug fixed.
-Added Attribute fix support.

Version 2.6 changelog:
-Added Fancy menu support.

Version 2.5 changelog:
-Bug fixed.
-Added more NeoForge support.

Version 2.4 changelog:
-Added Russia translate.
-Added Libs support.
-Added improved management.

Version 2.3 changelog:
-Added Alex's caves support.

Version 2.2 changelog:
-Added NeoForge support for some API's and procedures.

Version 2.1 changelog:
-Added Biomes o plenty support.

Version 2.0 changelog:
-Added Sanity procedure.

Version 1.9 changelog:
-Bug fixed

Version 1.8 changelog:
-Added Forbidden and arcanus support.

Version 1.7 changelog:
-Added Create and Alex's mobs support.

Version 1.6 changelog:
-Added Cold sweat procedures.

Version 1.5 changelog:
-Added Iron's Spells'n Spellbooks support.

Version 1.4 changelog:
-Added Sons of sins support.

Version 1.3 changelog:
-Bug fixed.
-Added Supplementaries support.

Version 1.2 changelog:
-Added Sanity procedure.
-Added Tree chop support.

Version 1.1 changelog:
-Bug fixed

Version 1.0 changelog:
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
Creating addons support 3.7 - Creating addons support 3.7.zipUploaded on: 07/01/2024 - 13:55   File size: 6.54 MB


First should be a create mod plugin a full one. It's the best in da line

Would it be possible to add support to the mod "Realm RPG: Quests & Rewards"? It's pretty new, so I'm not sure if it's considered popular enough? I would love to be able to customize quests and quest amounts that can be taken.

hello there. is there a chance you could add pams harvestCraft2 crops and trees?