Farm Adventure

Published by Goldorion on
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The remake (Farm Adventure II: The Breath of the Elements):


Once a upon a time, a young adventurer named Steeve has woken up in a world called Minecraft. Steeve begins like all people, but at a one point, he see weird creatures. They looks like Aliens, but he doesn't know, if it's true or not. So, he starts an adventure to fight them, and recup their precious relic, the Ether. Steeve explores dimension, biome, and he fights the Earth Element, Air Element, Water Element, and Fire Element. Finally, he can fight the Ether element and merge the four primordial elements. However, everything in this storie is a legend. Are you able to accomplish it to continue your adventure to return in your fields, and farm your plants ?


Farm Adventure is a mod created by Goldorion. This mods is an Adventure mod with quests and stories in link with his Minecraft's aspect. It also adds a ton of new blocks, items, mobs, biomes, and more things to increase the Minecraft's world.


The mod is in English (Default language) and in French (Fr, Ca, Be, Lu and Ch).

Mod Contributor : Loic_MaitreDuFeu

Post your ideas, bugs and anything related on the mod on the Official

Forum Topic, or in the comments.

The CurseForge Page


July 15th, 2018 : First Development Version

September 7th, 2018 : First MOTW

September 18th, 2019 : Release of the 1.0.0

September 2018 to March 2019 : Get 100 and 200 downloads on MCreator

September 2018 : 1 000 downloads on CurseForge

June 2019 : 5 000 downloads on Curse Forge

June 27th, 2019 : Release of the 2.0.0

September 22nd 2019 : Release of the 3.0.0

October 5th, 2019 : Final 1.12.2 Version

October 18th, 2019 : Second MOTW and 6 000 downloads on Curse Forge

October 19 2019 19:26 CEST : 300 downloads on MCreator

December 2019 : 10k downloads on Curse Forge

January 3rd 2020 : 400 downloads on MCreator

First of all, you have to fight and kill the Goldorion Boss. For that, I suggest you to have a full Dragonium Armor, and a Dragonium Hammer with a Dragonium Bow.

After that, you will receive an Earth Element Dimension Key. Make a portal (like for the Nether) with stone, granite, andesite or diorite, and use your Earth Eement Dimension Key.

After entering in the dimension, go find a Earth's Elemental Boss and kill him. he looks like that :

Craft the Jewelry,  put the Raw Earth Element in the first slot (Brown), and click on "Refine"

You have now the first primordial element. Now make a portal with stained glass (The color isn't important.) and use the Air Element Dimension Key that Earth's Elemental Boss give you.

Go kill the Air's Elemental Boss, and return in the overworld. Repeat the same procedure as for the first element (The Raw elemnt go in the second slot (White)).

Good Job ! You have 2 elements on four !

For the Water Element, you have to create a portal with Lapis-Lazuli Blocks. After entering in the dimension repeat the same procedure than the previous two (The Raw elemnt go in the third slot (Blue)).

The last primordial element is the Fire. To find it, make a Nether Portal with Magma Block, and you know how to proceed for the rest (The Raw elemnt go in the fourth slot (Red-Orange)).

The one way to have the Ether Element is to craft it in the jewelry. For that, just put all of primordial Element in their respective slots (The same that for Raw Elements), and click on the button "Refine".

You are now ready to accomplish and finish your quest and your adventure. Explore your beautiful world and go find an Ether biome 9i don't give you picture because I didn't find one (They are very rare.), and it's not to me to give you all the answers. ;)

You have now an overview of Farm Adventure, so download it, and/or suggest me features, report me bugs to bugfxies it, or just give me your feedbacks.

To have all of details, go check the changelog.

Question ? Comment ?  Say me it in the comments !

In hoping that you love my mod,



Modification files
Farm Adventure - 1.14.4- 3.1.0_1.jar - Farm Adventure 1.14.4-3.1.0Uploaded on: 01/03/2020 - 19:53   File size: 2.89 MB
Farm Adventure - 1.12.2- 3.0.2_0.jar - Farm Adventure 1.12.2- 3.0.2Uploaded on: 10/04/2019 - 11:45   File size: 2.61 MB

Hello everyone !

=|= Version 1-14.4-3.1.0=|= (01-03-2020)

Bug Fixes:

- Custom root advancements had broken background image

- Evergreen Forest had the wrong tree type.

- Some other bug fixes (I don't remember all bug fixes.)


=|= Version 1-14.4-3.1.0-Beta 3 =|= It is surely the last Beta version before the release.

- [#2] Advancements didn't work

- Custom dimensions didn't load

- Trees of Autumn Forest Biom didn't have leaves.

-Some other minor bug fixes and changes


=|= Version 1-14.4-3.1.0-Beta 2 =|=

Bug fixes :

  • - [#1] Recipe of the Forge 2.0 didn't have an output.
  • - Switching to custom dimension did not show a loading screen
  • - Dimensions or biomes with custom mobs set to spawn in crashed the game
  • - Custom living entities always showed tag names above them
  • - Blocks and plants with no custom drop and drop amount of 1 dropped nothing when broken
  • - Potion effects rendered broken texture behind their icons


=|= Version 1-14.4-3.2.0-Beta 1 =|=

Updated for the 1.14.4

Some minor big fixes and changes


=|= Version 3.0.2 =|=

  • Add some elements to the OreDict
  • Some changes wih plants


=|= Version 3.0.1 =|=

Bug Fixes :

  • Custom Creatives Tabs didn't show.


=|= Version 3.0.0 =|=

Features :

  • Added 30 new dungeons structures (Zombies, Husk, Skeleton, Stray, Witch and Spider)
  • Added support of Ore Dictionnary
  • Added support of Biome Dictionnary
  • Added some minor features

Changes :

  • Changes ID of every elements with "Rubis" or "Rubi" for "Rubis"
  • Some minor changes

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed the name of "Rubis" element. It s now "Ruby..."


=|= Version 2.3.0 - A Bug Fixe Update (Last Update before the 3.0) =|=

Change :

  • Rename biome "Big Moutain" into "Bug Moutain and Floating Islands"
  • Reducing the power of the Explosion magic Power.


Bug Fixes :

  • Black and White Hat didn't have the good rotation.
  • Correction of the texture of the Explosion Magic Power.
  • Change "...cheanged to " into "...changed to " when right clicking on the Respawn Block.


Thanks to Loic_MaitreDuFeu to report me this bugs.

=|= Version 2.2.0 (Bug Fixes and Changes) =|=

Features :

  • Added a search bar to the Creatives Tabs (Resources and Others Only)

Changes :

  • Remove Emerald Chest
  • Remove Creative Tab "Foods". Change items to "Others" tab
  • Change id of Fries. It's now "fries", and not "frites"
  • Change all items of "Weapons and Tools" Tab to "Resources" Tab
  • Renaming Creative Tabs to "FA Resources", "FA Blocks", and "FA Others"
  • Changing max duration Dragonium Bow to 20 000
  • Increase a little bit the Dragonium Hammer's efficiency
  • Dragonium Hammer is now in 3x1x3 (Length x Width x Height)
  • Changes ALL IDs of mod elements
  • Change all "Saphir..." elements to "Sapphire..."
  • Some other minor changes


Bug Fixes :

  • Goldorion Boss didn'' t show properly.
  • Water Power made the game crash.
  • Ether Power didn't work properly.
  • Some mobs still had the Villager Interface.
  • When player didn't have permissions, some blocks didn't work properly.
  • English spelling errors fixed
  • Some other minor bug fixes.

=|= Version 2.1.0 =|=

Features :

  • Added GUI for crafts in Forge 2.0 and Crafting Table 2.0 with every crafts possible.
  • Added 5 Potions effects for each element. (Right clcick on the element, but Caution, Fire Power is not with Fire Element).
  • Added craft for the Chocolate Cake


Changes :

  • Remove all custom musics
  • Remove Cooker 3000
  • Changes craft place of custom foods of Cooker 3000 to Crafting Table (Vanilla)
  • Changes some craft of foods
  • Some other minors changes

Bug Fixes :

  • Some minor bug fixes


=|= Version 2.0.1 =|=

Features :

  • Elemental Boss are now immunise to one or more things. (Earth Boss : Cactus and Lightning, Air Boss : Arrows and Fall damages, Water Boss : Drowning, Fire Boss : Fire, and Ether Boss : Fire, Arrows, Fall Damages, Cactus, Drowning, Lightnings, and Potions.

Changes :

  • Armors have now custom name, and not (ex : Rubis Armor Helmet).
  • Changes some French translations
  • Some minor changes


BugFixes :

  • Every biomes have now a custom name
  • Magic Leaves and Japan leaves have now transparency.
  • Some blocks and items have new id (like farm_adventure:name).
  • Some minor bugfixes

=|= Version 2.0.0 (An Adventure and Biosphere Update) =|=

Features :

  • Adding new Adventurer Armor (scuba helmet, angel wings, Speedy Gonzales’ Pants and Rabbit boots)

  • Adding raw primordial elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)

  • Adding primordial elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether)

  • Adding Elemental Dimensions

  • Adding Dwellers of the elemental dimensions (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)

  • Adding Elemental Boss (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)

  • Added Biomes : 

    • Big Mountains

    • Mesa Desert

    • Japan

    • Magic Forest

    • Tundra

    • Alpine Tundra

    • Polar Desert

    • Arid Desert

    • Arid Steppe

    • Evergreen Forest

    • Mountain Forest

    • Small Trees Forest

    • Medium Trees Forest

    • Medium Oaks Forest

    • Savanna and Clear Forest


  • Added Vegetation Blocks :

    • Magic Leaves

    • Magic Log

    • Magic Planks

    • Japanese Leaves


  • Added Custom Musics :

    • Ambiant 1

    • Ambiant 2

    • Ambiant 3

    • Desert Caravan

    • Ebby


  • Added new Commands :

    • /sethome (Create a home (You can create only one home.)

    • /home (Teleport to your home)

  • Added Jewelry Table (You can use it for transform yours raw elements in “normal” element (refined), and you have to use it for craft Ether Element)

  • Added red oak leaves, orange oak leaves, and yellow oak leaves


Changes :

  • New 3D Model for Crafting Table 2.0

  • Changing craft for Crafting Table 2.0

  • Changing Maximal damages that armors absorbs change for Titanium Armor, Saphir Armor, Rubis Armor and Dragonium Armor

  • Changing of differents values of Dragonium Armor

  • Changing efficiency and enchantability values of titanium, saphir, and rubis for tools and swords

  • Changing max duration Dragonium Bow for 15 000

  • Decrease of the bullets knockback of titanium, saphir, rubis and dragonium bows

  • Saphir Ore now span in ocean and frozen ocean biomes

  • Rubis ore now spawn in Savanna, Mutated Savanna, Savanna Rock, and Mutated Savanna Rock biomes.

  • Renaming Forge V2 for Forge 2.0

  • Last Boss :

    • Changing skin and model

    • Renaming of Last Boss for Goldorion Boss.

    • Changing achievement for Goldorion Boss.

    • Changing main drop

    • Removed Ether Dimension for a Overworld biome. (Do you like the exploration because it’s a very rare biome. ;))

  • Change of some Creative Tab pictures

  • Change of Aliens’ names

  • Removal Obsidian Biome and Big Ocean

  • Removal Yellow Alien

  • Remove all potions of the mod

  • Lot of changes in the French translations.

  • Changes a lot of Advancements and remove some others.

  • Some other minor changes.


Bugfixes :

  • Tab Others was named Farm AdventureOothers

  • Forge 2.0 didn’t have rotation in inventory.

  • Purple Alien didn’t have a “P” in the name.

  • Cokker 3000 and Forge 2.0 don't have textures

  • Many translations weren't deleted.

  • Some French translations was missing.

  • Removing useless translations (in the files of the mod)

  • Some other minor bug fixes.

Enjoy with Farm Adventure, and continu the Adventure !


P-S : I wish you a good time with it, and I want your feedback, your opinions, and your suggestions.


Farm Adventure II is now official.

Congratulations for MOTW! :D
I think this is the only MOTW this year that has already been MOTW earlier :)

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week!

Nice update, I really like how the new biomes look, I'd say even better than the vanilla ones :)

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit ( and Facebook page (