Missing & New Potions

Published by cube _3.14 on
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adds all of to potions of effect that dont have a potion.(for now. later this mod will have more potions)

-All of the potions added:

-absorption regenration+glowstone dust

-bad omenthick+crossbow


-conduit powermundane+conduit


-dolophins gracewater breathing+fse

-glowingawkward+glowstone dust

-hasteawkward+iron picaxe

-health boosthealing+glowstone dust

-hero of the villagethick+emerald

-hungerwater bottle+rotten flesh

-levitionawkward+shulker shell

-mining fatiguehaste+fse


-saturationawkward+suspicious stew


-uncraftblewater botter+enchanting table


luckawkward+fishing rod


New potions added

will be here when 0.0.2 of missing & new potions are added(may be changed)


and added the recipe of potion of luck and all of the potions added

some of the potion recipes don't make sense like using items that don't make sense

the small letters next to the added potions are the recipe of that potion, 

and the first one is the one is the potion slot and the second one is the one that goes in the ingredient slot,

and fse = fermented spider eye



-Things planed-

A item that is the opposite of fermented spider eye for brewing, idk the color tho so suggest the color in the comments if you have a nice idea.

( makes a negative potion to a positive potion, with the same duration, strength of the potions)

New potions

-comment your potion ideas!

   -if there is more info like duration if its instant or if its bad or beneficial ill add it but if not ill just chose by my self

-change the name of this mod to "Missing & New potions"

-starting from july 1 update every 2 weeks, and a pre version every week ( still sunday )

-and if its not possible to make ill make it as close as possible

-Things that are being added-




Modification files
missing potions 0.0.2 pre-2.zip - fogot to update the dice effect whit the new effects. my bad. :/Uploaded on: 07/07/2024 - 11:33   File size: 13.47 MB
missing potions 0.0.2 pre-1.zip - in dev, may have bugs than please say in the commentsUploaded on: 07/07/2024 - 11:11   File size: 13.07 MB
missing potions 0.0.1.zipUploaded on: 05/01/2024 - 00:56   File size: 87.46 KB
missing potions.zipUploaded on: 04/16/2024 - 10:58   File size: 82.63 KB

0.0.1 : added the recipes of uncraftble potions (potion, splash potion, lingering potion, tipped arrow)

0.0.2 pre-1 : added potion of  admin, nightmare, moon, instant death, INSTANT regeneration, dice, a lot of dices, creative, survival, adventure, septator, grenade

                    : items: fresh and juicy spider eye , advancements: 1 + 1 = 1?

0.0.2 pre-2 : updated the dice effect whit the new effects

The client can't be loaded for testing in mcreater so the update might be holded so I'll update it if I can load the client in mcreater.

Some days it's fine but some days are not fine
btw also every version of mcreater doesn't work if it the day that it doesn't work but only 1 version works on the days that it works