Tetra Libs

Published by DragClover on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
Global triggers
Implement the TertaLibs API and add several useful procedure blocks
Upvotes: 7
About the plugin

Tetra Libs

TetraLibs is a plugin that allows you to have the TetraLibs mod API but also to implement several procedure blocks and triggers. 


TetraLibs Menu

Wiki link here


I am thinking more and more about stopping the development of TetraLibs NeoForge because it adds a lot of work but not enough downloads compared to Forge


TetraLibs API add /tetralibs command !


-TetraLibs fully client side/server

-Added add_server_permission procedure
-Added get_server_permissions procedure
-Added get_player_permissions procedure
-Added get_player_permissions_count procedure
-Added get_server_permissions_count procedure
-Added add_permission procedure
-Added remove_permission procedure
-Added has_permission procedure
-Added server_permission_exist procedure
-Added send_tellraw procedure

-Added custom_tetra_config trigger
-Added add_tetra_config procedure
-Added save_tetra_config procedure
-Added is_config procedure

-Fixed bugs

-Added set function in LogLevel class
-Added set_tetra_log procedure
-Fixed crash & bugs

v0.0.21 (only forge)
-Added BCK Gui
-Added LogLevel class
-Added CommandEventHandler class
-Added BlockEventBreak class
-Added BlockEventPlace class
-Added ItemEventDrop class
-Added ItemEventPickup class
-Added ItemEventExpire class
-Added ChestEventOpen class
-Added randomUUID function in Util
-Added get_current_world_name procedure
-Added get_tetra_log procedure
-Added input_key_pressed procedure
-Added open_bck_gui procedure
-Added random_uuid procedure
-Added tetra_log procedure

-Updated for 2024.1.18518
-Server joining loop fixed
-Added key_pressed trigger (not cancelable)
-Added key_is procedure
-Added item_component procedure
-Added first_joined procedure (only forge)

-Added BorderManager class (in dev..)
-Added BorderStyle class (in dev..)
-Added ItemInfoTooltip class
-Added add_item_tooltip procedure
-Added add_new_line_tooltip_pos procedure
-Added add_new_line_tooltip procedure
-Added is_economy procedure
-Added is_key_pressed procedure
-Added is_userdata procedure
-Added is_tooltip procedure
-Added teleport_entity procedure
-Added teleport_world_entity procedure
-Added tooltip_item_event trigger
-Added itemtooltip dependency (List<Component>)

-Added Config class
-Added ConfigManager class
-Added set_motd procedure block
-Added random_item_loot_table procedure block

-RandomItem -> now working on NeoForge
-RandomBlock -> now working on NeoForge
-RandomEffect -> now working on NeoForge
-RandomEnchantment -> now working on NeoForge
-Added callback to TeamUtil
-NumberConverter modified, added number after "." & added localization keys

-Updated for 2024.1.17319
-Fixed no save bug on NeoForge (mb new bug)
-Economy reworked

-Updated to NeoForge

-Added EconomyManager class
-Added DataManager class
-Added somes economys procedures

-Crash on joining server fixed

-Fixed not working on servers
-Added get_player_name procedures (get raw name of player)

-Added get_team_players_number
-Added Userdata class
-Added EconomyManager (empty, coming soon)
-SOmes class modified

-Added get_team_name of entity
-Fixed somes dependencies
-NeoForge is coming soon (I haven't implemented the latest changes)

-Fixed coordinate from spawn_item_fixed, x_fixed and z_fixed
-Added procedures to neoforge

-Additions of some dependencies in certain procedures
-Added a procedure which allows an item to appear on the ground but with the correct coordinates, I mean that before it appeared in the blocks
-Added a procedure that allows you to have x but fixed
-Added a procedure that allows you to have z but fixed

-MobUtil class fixed
-TeamUtil update
-Added somes procedures blocks for teams

-Added MobUtil class
-Added fr_FR lang

-Support for NeoFore 1.20.4

-Support for MCreator 2024.1
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
TetraLibs 0.1.0 (Mcreator 2024.1 ONLY, you can work on 1.20.1) NeoForge non update - TetraLibs-0.1.0.zipUploaded on: 06/22/2024 - 02:50   File size: 138.55 KB


Hello! Nice update, but there's problem with "key pressed" trigger. it's not providing world, entity, so we could do nothing.. can you fix this? link that trigger with world of entity who pressed the key

but client-side procedures also can have "entity", there are client-side procedures, like change players yaw, play sound on client side and etc.. maybe there is opportunity to check which entity pressed that key?

maybe you can code block that checks for any key which you provided from your api, like there

private static boolean execute(@Nullable Event event) {
if (Screen.hasAltDown()) {
return true;
return false;

(it should return True when alt pressed down)

Not working on servers again. Similar error. Can you check it? Sent error on curseforge page.

also, i have one suggestion: is it possible to create Key Pressed trigger, and make it cancellable? (on client side), like.. if you press F3, you can cancel this event on players side and nothing will happen. Would be really AMAZING, i have many ideas with this feature. but idk is it possible to implement

Btw something is wrong with your plugin it doesn't add imports every block just gives an error now

C:\Users\Ethan\MCreatorWorkspaces\economyplus\src\main\java\de\staku\economyplus\procedures\CurrentBankMoneyProcedure.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
return "Bank : " + (entity instanceof Player ? EconomyManager.getBank((Player) entity) : 0);

symbol: variable EconomyManager
location: class CurrentBankMoneyProcedure
C:\Users\Ethan\MCreatorWorkspaces\economyplus\src\main\java\de\staku\economyplus\procedures\CurrentMoneyProcedure.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
return "Money :" + (entity instanceof Player ? EconomyManager.getMoney((Player) entity) : 0);

symbol: variable EconomyManager
location: class CurrentMoneyProcedure
C:\Users\Ethan\MCreatorWorkspaces\economyplus\src\main\java\de\staku\economyplus\procedures\TestProcedure.java:31: error: cannot find symbol
EconomyManager.setMoney((Player) entity, 250, true);