
Published by Jinbaili on
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This is a mod which is planned to expand minecraft in different ways;

- Biomes;

- Mobs;

- Ores;

- Machines;

- Special Items / Tools;

- Crops;

The mod is in Alpha version right now and only adds two biomes, with custom trees, a custom house structure, two types of new plants, a new ore, a machine and some custom tools for the new ore. I would like some feedback along the way of expanding the mod. Then plan is to complete things like biomes and upload it for feedback, add some mobs, and go step by step forward in the process. Sometimes I will release a small update with little features or bug fixes, and sometimes there will be a big update which will add many new things to this mod. So Stay tuned in the road to finish TheBigExpansion mod.


Check the changelogs for more info.


~ Ian

Modification files
TheBigExpansion_1-16-5_V1-2-0.jar - TheBigExpansion Mod Alpha Version 1.2.0 for 1.16.5Uploaded on: 05/08/2021 - 03:20   File size: 2.46 MB

Version Alpha 1.2.0:

  • Fixed an enormous amound of bugs.
  • Made some quality of life changes.
  • Added complete dungeons for all three biomes
  • Added stone variants for all three biomes. (Recipes will only work through the stone cutter for some time)
  • Added new bosses and mobs
  • Added a wand
  • Added a creative tab for developer items. (The spawn blocks and unbreakeble walls)
  • Added a lot more for you to explore.
  • Please make sure you report buggs to me so I can fix them. And all the buggs will be fixed next update or if there are tons of buggs on a earlier date with a small patch.


Version Alpha 1.1.1:

  • Fixed an enormous amound of bugs.
  • Made some quality of life changes.


Note: Bugs will be fixed when found.


Version Alpha 1.1.0:

  • Added Zyraith Ore
  • Added Raw Zyraith
  • Added Raw Urky/Cobalt/Wisteria/Zyraith Blocks
  • Added Zyraith Ingot
  • Added Zyraith Nuggets
  • Added Zyraith Plate
  • Added Zyraith Block
  • Added Zyraith Gear
  • Added Zyraith Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots
  • Added Zyraith Sword/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe
  • Added Zyraith Waraxe/Hammer/Scyte/Knife
  • Added some new crafting recipes
  • Added Function for Knifes
  • Added Zyraith Chest
  • Added Zyraith Wool
  • Added Zyraith Dye
  • Added Zyraith Biome
  • Added Zyraith Flowers and Plants
  • Added Zyraith Tree and House Structure
  • Added Slab and Stair variants of Zyraith Wool
  • Added Acaiberries/Blueberries/Grapes/Raspberries/Strawberries
  • Added Zjarr Boss and ZjarrBaby
  • Added Zjarr Courtyard for Urky Biome
  • Fixed bug with missing recipes for PlateSmasher


Note: Bugs will be fixed when found.


Version Alpha 1.0.2:

  • Added Wisteria Ore Function
  • Added Raw Wisteria
  • Added Wisteria Ingot
  • Added Wisteria Nuggets
  • Added Wisteria Plate
  • Added Wisteria Block
  • Added Wisteria Gear
  • Added Wisteria Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots
  • Added Wisteria Sword/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe
  • Added Wisteria Waraxe/Hammer/Scyte/Knife
  • Added some crafting recipes for Waraxe/Scyte/Knife
  • Added Urky/Wisteria chest
  • Balance changes custom Swords/Waraxes/Axes
  • Fixed bug no particles when right clicked on sapling with bonemeal


Note: Bugs will be fixed when found.


Version Alpha 1.0.1:

  • Added Urky Ore
  • Added Raw Urky
  • Added Urky Ingot
  • Added Urky Nuggets
  • Added Urky Plate
  • Added Urky Block
  • Added Urky Gear
  • Added Urky Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots
  • Added Urky Sword/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe
  • Added Urky Waraxe/Hammer/Scyte/Knife
  • Added Bordeaux Wool & Wisteria Wool
  • Added Bordeaux Dye & Wisteria Dye
  • Added Slab and Stair variants of Wool
  • Added Wisteria Ore (W.I.P. no function yet) 
  • Updated some textures
  • Updated some crafting recipes
  • Fixed bug wood not dropping when broken by hand
  • Fixed bug with missing texture for leaves


Note: Bugs will be fixed when found.


Version Alpha 1.0.0:

  • Added Cobalt Ore
  • Added Raw Cobalt
  • Added Cobalt Ingot
  • Added Cobalt Nuggets
  • Added Cobalt Plate
  • Added Cobalt Block
  • Added Cobalt Gear
  • Added Cobalt Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots
  • Added Cobalt Sword/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe
  • Added Cobalt Waraxe/Hammer/Scyte/Knife
  • Added Plate Smasher
  • Added Wisteria Biome
  • Added Wisteria House Structure
  • Added Wisteria Wood/Logs/Planks/Leaves/Stairs/Slabs/Fences/FenceGates/Doors/Trapdoors
  • Added Wisteria Flower/Plant
  • Added Wisteria Sapling/Custom Tree
  • Added Skulled Deer Creature
  • Added Urky Biome
  • Added Urky House Structure
  • Added Urky Wood/Logs/Planks/Leaves/Stairs/Slabs/Fences/FenceGates/Doors/Trapdoors
  • Added Urky Flower/Plant
  • Added Urky Sapling/Custom Tree


Note: Bugs will be fixed when found.