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janmarqz's user avatar
janmarqz's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
29 votes

Which mathematicians have influenced you the most?

16 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

11 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

10 votes

Introductory text on geometric group theory?

6 votes

Nice proof of the Jordan curve theorem?

6 votes

What should be offered in undergraduate mathematics that's currently not (or isn't usually)?

6 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

4 votes

Circle bundles over $RP^2$

3 votes

Great mathematical figures and/or diagrams?

2 votes

Memorizing theorems

2 votes

Undergraduate differential geometry texts

2 votes

Most helpful math resources on the web

2 votes

When are fiber bundles reversible?

1 vote

What is the first interesting theorem in (insert subject here)?

1 vote

What do you call the product of a circle and an annulus?

1 vote

Learning Topology

1 vote

HNN extensions which are free products

0 votes

de Rham Cohomology of surfaces

0 votes

Algorithmic Combinatorics resources?

-1 votes

less elementary group theory