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RobPratt's user avatar
RobPratt's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • NC, USA
3 votes

Could you provide some TSP examples from real world to test a new algorithm?

3 votes

Expected cardinal of the intersection between a random subset and a fixed subset

3 votes

How quickly can this IQP or its MILP relaxation be solved

3 votes

Benefit of adding a trivial constraint to ILPs

3 votes

3-partition of a special set

3 votes

Traveling salesperson problem algorithm

3 votes

Where to find hard instances of subsetsum and other famous np-complete problems for testing heuristics against?

3 votes

Fastest way to solve non-negative linear diophantine equations

3 votes

Lattice-like structure with maximum spacing between vertices

3 votes

Finding a $k$-subset which maximizes a matrix sum

3 votes

Do we really need degree constraints for ILP formulations of TSP problems

2 votes

Deleting vertices of a regular graph to obtain a regular graph

2 votes

Integer linear constraint(s) for y= x1 XOR x2

2 votes

Proving the set $\left\lbrace \frac{(x + y)^2}{\sqrt{y}} \leq x - y + 5, y > 0 \right\rbrace$ is convex

2 votes

How to turn $\{-1, 0, 1\}$-valued optimization problem into integer program?

2 votes

Optimization over permutation

2 votes

Minimum spanning tree and projection

2 votes

How to maximize the number of people that mingle with each other?

2 votes

How to convexify or reformulate this non-convex MIP?

2 votes

Calculating vertex potentials from optimal matchings

2 votes

How to integrate an indicator function/constraint into the cost function of a linear program?

2 votes

Bipartite matching with a pairwise constraint

2 votes

The number of monochromatic triangles

2 votes

Subdividing a sequence such that sum is somewhat equally distributed

2 votes

Pairs of vertices with high degree difference

2 votes

Maximize sum of edge weights on spanning tree

2 votes

Calculating vertex weights

2 votes

Graphs vs matrices (when $0$ weight edges are allowed)

2 votes

Binomial Coefficients sum

2 votes

An ambitiouser binomial coefficients sum