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17 votes

Is there a minimal (least?) countably saturated real-closed field?

In Solution d'un problème d'Erdös, Gillman et Henriksen et application à l'étude des homomorphismes de $\mathcal{C}(K)$, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 30 (1977), no.1-2, 113–127 (EuDML), Jean Esterle ...
Philip Ehrlich's user avatar
17 votes

Is the field of constructible numbers known to be decidable?

See Barry Mazur, Karl Rubin, Alexandra Shlapentokh, Defining $\mathbb{Z}$ using unit groups, Acta Arithmetica (Published online: 27 June 2024) DOI: 10.4064/aa230505-6-6 One of the corollaries of our ...
GuestPoster5678's user avatar
16 votes

Rigid non-archimedean real closed fields

Charles Steinhorn and I have answered this question positively by constructing a rigid non-archimedean real closed field of transcendence degree 2. Our preprint is now posted on arxiv. https://arxiv....
Dave Marker's user avatar
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5 votes

Can we see quantifier elimination by comparing semirings?

No, for example consider $T=\mathsf{Th}(\mathbb{N};=,0,1,+)$, i.e. Presburger arithmetic in non-extended signature. Quantifier elimination does not hold for this $T$: this would require to extend the ...
Fedor Pakhomov's user avatar
4 votes

Mostowski's absoluteness theorem and proving that theories extending $0^\#$ have incomparable minimal transitive models

This answer by Farmer S to another question, which Farmer S linked in a comment to this question, proves that if $\alpha$ is the least ordinal that is the height of a transitive model of $\text{ZFC}+0^...
4 votes

Two equivalent statements about formulas projected onto an Ultrafilter

First, since I found your notation confusing, I hope you don't mind if I rewrite your Question 1 in more standard notation. Fix a language $L$. Let $I$ be a non-empty set, and let $(\varphi_i)_{i\in I}...
Alex Kruckman's user avatar
4 votes

Example of applying real quantifier elimination algorithm for polynomials

Although this question is nearly 5 years old, I'd like to write a proper answer to this in case it helps anyone. First, I'd suggest not to study Tarski's construction if you are interested in ...
Maaz's user avatar
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3 votes

Chevalley's theorem on valuation spectra

This is expanded in Huber's seminar notes on the subject as Satz 1.1.21.: A set $\{v\in \mathrm{Spv}: \mathrm{Frac}(A/\mathrm{supp}(v)),A(v)\models \phi\}$ where $\phi$ is a quantifier-free formula ...
Dmitrii Korshunov's user avatar

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