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5 votes

Nonexistence of short integer program sequence which generates squares

If you can do this efficiently, you can factor integers efficiently. Set $X-Y=N$. If $X=u^2,Y=v^2$ then $(u^2-v^2)=(u-v)(u+v)=N$ will give the factorization of $N$. To avoid the trivial solution, add ...
joro's user avatar
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4 votes

Algorithm to evaluate "connectedness" of a binary matrix

You can solve the problem via integer linear programming as follows. Let $$E=\left\{(j_1,j_2)\in[n]\times[n]: j_1 < j_2 \land \lnot \bigwedge_{i=1}^m (a_{ij_1} \lor a_{ij_2})\right\}$$ be the set ...
RobPratt's user avatar
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4 votes

Algorithm to evaluate "connectedness" of a binary matrix

Similarly to what Daniel Weber suggested in the comments, construct a graph $G$ on columns as vertices and connect every pair of vertices with an edge whenever the corresponding columns has at least ...
Max Alekseyev's user avatar
2 votes

Obstacles to computing $\pi(n)$ in $O(n^{2/3-\epsilon})$ time

A recent preprint Computing $\pi(N)$: An elementary approach in $\tilde O(\sqrt N)$ time indeed gave a sieve-like algorithm that takes $\tilde O(\sqrt N)$ time. Their method also generalizes to a ...
Elegia's user avatar
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1 vote

Common insights into hypothetical complexity of graph problems

Not quite an answer to your general question, but I wanted to mention this paper that shows how to use any graph not satisfying some coloring property as a gadget in ...
Louis Esperet's user avatar

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