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Questions tagged [path-connected]

For questions relating to path-connected topological spaces, that is, spaces where any two points can be connected by a path.

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A topological characterization of trees?

Motivated by this complex dynamics question: Let $X$ be a compact, path-connected metric space. Suppose there exist an integer $N\geq 2$ and distinct points $p_1,\dots,p_N\in X$ such that no proper ...
KhashF's user avatar
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If $X$ is a strong deformation retract of $\mathbb{R}^n$, then is $X$ simply connected at infinity?

Let $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$, and assume there is a strong deformation retract from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $X$. Is $X$ necessarily simply connected at infinity? (Edit) Follow up question: if there is a ...
ccriscitiello's user avatar
6 votes
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Planar compact connected set whose boundary has a finite length is arcwise connected

Let $K \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}$ be a compact connected set such that $\mathcal{H}^{1}(\partial K)<+\infty$. Is $K$ arcwise connected?
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Let K be a compact set in a surface, U component of S-K, K'=S-U. K has finitely many components. Does every component of K' contains a component of K? [closed]

Let $S$ be a compact connected surface. Let $K$ be a compact subset of $S$ and suppose that $K$ has a finite number of connected components. Let $U$ be a connected component of $S \setminus K$ and ...
Fernando Oliveira's user avatar
3 votes
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Simple closed curves in a simply connected domain

Let $U$ be a bounded simply connected domain in the plane. Let $K$ be the boundary (or frontier) of $U$. For every $\varepsilon>0$ is there a simple closed curve $S\subset U$ such that the ...
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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Does $(\omega, E)$ with the cycle condition have an $\omega$-path?

Let $G = (V,E)$ be a simple, undirected graph. We say that $v\neq w\in V$ lie on a common cycle if there is an integer $n\geq 3$ and an injective graph homomorphism $f: C_n\to V$ such that $v,w\in \...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Separating property of a finite union of topological disks

Let $X$ be a topological $2$-sphere. Let $D_1, D_2, \dots, D_n \subset X$ be a finite family of closed topological disks (i.e. sets homeomorphic to the closed unit disk). Let $\mathcal{U} = \bigcup_{1 ...
Leon Staresinic's user avatar
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A plane ray which limits onto itself

A ray is a continuous one-to-one image of the half-line $[0,\infty)$. If $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb R ^2$ is continuous and one-to-one, then we say that the ray $X=f[0,\infty)$ limits onto itself if for ...
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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5 votes
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Connectedness of Quot schemes

Let $X$ be a connected projective scheme over $\mathbb{C}$ and $E$ a coherent sheaf on $X$. Consider the Quot scheme $\operatorname{Quot}_X(E,P)$ of quotients of $E$ of fixed Hilbert polynomial $P$. ...
PMCosmin's user avatar
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$1$-parameter family of minimal embeddings and the maximum principle

Let $M^3$ be a closed orientable smooth manifold and let $g_t$ be a (smooth) $1$-parameter family of Riemannian metrics on $M$, $t \in \mathbb{R}$. Let $P \subset M$ a fixed closed orientable embedded ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Is every path connected $F_\sigma$ subset of a plane an image of $[0,1)$?

The title says it all. Let $A$ be a path connected $F_\sigma$ subset of a plane (or more generally $\mathbb{R}^n$). Recall that a subset is called $F_\sigma$ if it is a union of a sequence of closed ...
erz's user avatar
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How complicated can the path component of a compact metric space be?

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $P$ be a path component of $X$. Since we are not assuming $X$ is locally path connected, $P$ must need not be open nor closed. Certainly, $P$ must be separable ...
Jeremy Brazas's user avatar
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Opposite-nearest neighbor algorithm vs. nearest neighbor algorithm

Take the traveling salesman problem, but with three slight twists: You can choose a different start vertex for each of the two algorithms. Each path from one vertex to another is of unique, arbitrary ...
Zixun Tau's user avatar
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Connectedness of the set having a fixed distance from a closed set 2

This question is related to this one: Connectedness of the set having a fixed distance from a closed set. Suppose $F$ is a closed and connected set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n>1$). Suppose the complement ...
M. Rahmat's user avatar
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Separating a certain planar region with an open set

I have a fairly specific question related to plane separation properties. I couldn't quite see how to use Phragmen–Brouwer properties to answer it because those kind of results generally apply to ...
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