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How many Tverberg partition are in cloud of points?

Tverberg's Theorem: A collection of $(d+1)(r-1) +1$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ can always be partitioned into $r$ parts whose convex hulls intersect. For example, $d=2$, $r=3$, 7 points: Let $p_1, p_2,...
D. S.'s user avatar
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What's the number of facets of a $d$-dimensional cyclic polytope?

A face of a convex polytope $P$ is defined as $P$ itself, or a subset of $P$ of the form $P\cap h$, where $h$ is a hyperplane such that $P$ is fully contained in one of the closed half-spaces ...
A. H.'s user avatar
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If we know the combinatorics of a polyhedron, and all but one of its dihedral angles, does that uniquely determine the remaining dihedral angle?

If we know the combinatorics of a polyhedron, and all but one of its dihedral angles, does that uniquely determine the remaining dihedral angle? I’m happy to assume the polyhedron is simply connected, ...
Robin Houston's user avatar
15 votes
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Dividing a polyhedron into two similar copies

The paper Dividing a polygon into two similar polygons proves that there are only three families of polygons that are irrep-2-tiles (can be subdivided into similar copies of the original). Right ...
Kepler's Triangle's user avatar
19 votes
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Does a function from $\mathbb R^2$ to $\mathbb R$ which sums to 0 on the corners of any unit square have to vanish everywhere?

Does a function from $\mathbb{R}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}$ which sums to 0 on the corners of any unit square have to vanish everywhere? I think the answer is yes but I am not sure how to prove it. If we ...
Ivan Meir's user avatar
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11 votes
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Smallest sphere containing three tetrahedra?

What is the smallest possible radius of a sphere which contains 3 identical plastic tetrahedra with side length 1?
trionyx's user avatar
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A projective plane in the Euclidean plane

Problem. Is there a subset $X$ in the Euclidean plane such that $X$ is not contained in a line and for any points $a,b,c,d\in X$ with $a\ne b$ and $c\ne d$, the intersection $X\cap\overline{ab}$ is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Calculating a relaxed Delaunay Triangulation

The triangles of a planar Delaunay Triangulations are essentially characterized by the property that no triangle's corner is inside another triangle's circumcircle; Delaunay Triangulations can be ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Is every triangulation the projection of a convex hull

Question: given the triangulation $T$ of a set $P$ of $n$ points $p_1,\dots,p_n$ in the euclidean plane whose convex hull is a triangle, can we always find a set $Q$ of $n+1$ points $q_0,q_1,\dots,q_n$...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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5 votes
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On the aperiodic monotile

One of the more mind-boggling aspects of the Penrose tiles is that there are uncountably many distinct tilings of the plane, but every tiling contains every finite region that appears in another ...
Jim Conant's user avatar
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What sequence maximizes the final distance?

This problem was created by professor Ronaldo Garcia from Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) and he showed it to me at an event in my university. This problem has a lot of history and he told me he ...
Arthur Queiroz Moura's user avatar
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Constructing a polygon from another with collinearity constraints

Let $P$ be a closed polygon defined by the sequence $p_0,\,\dots,\,p_{n-1},p_0$ of points. Question: how can one construct, with straightedge and compass alone, another sequence of points $q_0,\,\...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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14 votes
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How many distances are required to calculate all distances among $n$ points in the Euclidean plane?

I want to know all the pairwise distances between points $P_1,P_2,\ldots,P_n$ in the Euclidean plane (or equivalently, I want to reconstruct the set of points up to congruence). Let's say I have an ...
tuna's user avatar
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A 'natural' enumerable metric space with integral distances which is essentially the Euclidean space

It is easy to construct a metric space $E_d$ such that all points of $E_d$ are at mutually integral distance and such that there is a map $\varphi$ from $E_d$ into the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
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Maximal number of vertices of the intersection of a flat and a hypercube

Consider the intersection of an $n$-dimensional hybercube and an $m$-dimensional flat (affine subspace) which contains the diagonal of the hypercube. This is a convex polytope. What is the maximal ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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