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Finiteness of the Brauer group for a one-dimensional scheme that is proper over $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$

Let $X$ be a scheme with $\dim(X)=1$ that is also proper over $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$. In Milne's Etale Cohomology, he states that the finiteness of the Brauer group $\mathrm{Br}(X)$ follows from ...
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$\mathbf{Z}$-points of quasi-projective schemes

Let $U\subset\mathbf{P}^n_{\mathbf{Z}}$ be an open subscheme such that the smooth morphism $U\to\text{Spec}(\mathbf{Z})$ is surjective. Suppose $U(\mathbf{Q})\neq\varnothing$ and $U(\mathbf{Z}_p)\neq\...
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Is there any theory of "étale cohomology" with algebraic coefficients?

For simplicity, I will restrict attention to untwisted coefficients. Let $k$ be a finite field of characteristic $p$, and $\ell\ne p$ prime. Can one define a cohomology theory with $\mathbb{Q}_\ell^{\...
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Adèlic points and algebraic closure

Consider $\mathcal{X}$ a projective and flat scheme over $\text{Spec}(\mathcal{O}_K)$, with $\mathcal{O}_K$ the ring of integers of a number field $K$. Let $F/K$ vary over all finite Galois number ...
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Galois representations and pro-étale Site

On a scheme, we can define the pro-étale site. This is an improvement over the étale site in that we can define the $\ell$-adic cohomology as the sheaf cohomology of the constant sheaf $\underline{\...
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Which $p$-adic valuations of Weil numbers (that is, eigenvalues of Frobenius) are possible?

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve over a finite field $\mathbb F_q$, $q$ is a power of the characteristic $p$. It is well-known that if $\alpha$ is an eigenvalue of Frobenius acting on $H^1_{et}(C,\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
10 votes
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What is known about the cohomological dimension of algebraic number fields?

What is the cohomological dimension of algebraic number fields like $\Bbb{Q}$, $\Bbb{Q}[i]$, $\Bbb{Q}[\sqrt{3}]$ or similar? I'm interested in computing the cohomological dimension of $\Bbb{A}^1_k$ ...
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Structure theorem for etale algebras over a more general ring than a field

I call etale a finite-type flat $R$-algebra $A$ such that $\Omega_A =0$ (I hope this is the standard definition). In the case where $R=k$ is a field, any such algebra $A$ decomposes as a finite ...
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Swan-conductor and base change

Let $C$ be a proper smooth curve over a perfect field $K$ of positive characteristic $p$, $u: U \hookrightarrow C$ strictly open and $\mathfrak{F}$ a lisse (lcc) $\mathbb{F}_l $-sheaf $(l \neq p)$ on $...
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Traces of Frobenius Endomorphism on Etale Cohomology and $G$-torsors

I have a smooth, projective, and rigid Calabi-Yau threefold $X$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. Such spaces always have integral models. Let's assume we have an action on $X$ by a finite abelian group $G$...
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Interpolation of families of local fields

Let $\Sigma$ be the set of all places of $\mathbf{Q}$. We’ll call, for any $v\in\Sigma$, a local field complete with respect to an absolute value lying over $v$ and of finite degree over $\mathbf{Q}_v$...
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“Algebraization" of $p$-adic fields

Part 1: a single finite place. Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$. Does there exist a number field $F/\mathbf{Q}$ and a finite place $v$ lying over $p$, such that for the completion of $...
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Specialization map on geometric points

Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a proper and smooth scheme over $\text{Spec}(\mathbf{Z}_p)$, and let’s call $X$ the geometric generic fiber of $\mathcal{X}$, and $X_0$ the geometric special fiber of $\mathcal{X}$...
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Brauer group of global fields

Is the Brauer group $\text{Br}(K)$ of a global field $K$ an $\ell$-divisible group for some prime $\ell$? If so, what $\ell$? Is $\text{Br}(K)[n]$ finite, for $n$ integer? I know from class field ...
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Norm theorem for finite etale morphisms between Dedekind affine schemes

In the paper, Notes on etale cohomology of number fields, Mazur insists that for a finite etale morphism $\pi$, the Norm theorem holds (on. p.543, Remarks (e)). More specifically, let $\pi : Y \...
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