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A particular morphism being zero in the singularity category

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring and $D^b(R)$ be the bounded derived category of finitely generated $R$-modules. Let $D_{sg}(R)$ be the singularity category, which is the Verdier localization $...
strat's user avatar
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Thick subcategory containment in bounded derived category vs. singularity category

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, and $D^b(\operatorname{mod } R)$ the bounded derived category of the abelian category of finitely generated $R$-modules. Let me abbreviate this as $D^b(R)$. ...
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Image, upto direct summands, of derived push-forward of resolution of singularities

Let $\mathcal C$ be a full subcategory (closed under isomorphism also) of an additive category $\mathcal A$. Then, $\text{add}(\mathcal C)$ is the full subcategory of $\mathcal A$ consisting of all ...
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Exact sequences in Positselski's coderived category induce distinguished triangles

I am learning about Positselski's co- and contraderived categories. We know that short exact sequences do not generally induce distinguished triangles in the homotopy category but they do in the usual ...
So Let's user avatar
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Comparing stabilization of stable category modulo injectives and a Verdier localization

Let $\mathcal A$ be an abelian category with enough injectives. Let $\mathcal I$ be the collection of injective objects. Let $\mathcal A/\mathcal I$ be the quotient category whose objects are same as ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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When is a functor of chain complexes triangulated?

Let $\textsf{A}, \textsf{B}$ be abelian categories. Let $F: \operatorname{Ch}(\textsf{A}) \to \operatorname{Ch}(\textsf{B})$ be an additive functor of chain complexes. If $F$ preserves chain ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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Examples of tensor-triangulated categories not satisfying the local-to-global principle

From now on, we will consider only rigid-compactly generated tensor-triangulated categories. Let $(\mathcal{T}, \otimes, 1)$ be one of these categories, it is known that the thick tensor ideals of ...
N.B.'s user avatar
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Multiplication map by a ring element on an object vs. all its suspensions in singularity category

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, consider the bounded derived category of finitely generated $R$-modules $D^b(R)$ and consider the singularity category $D_{sg}(R):=D^b(R)/D^{perf}(R)$. Let $r\...
uno's user avatar
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structure in triangulated category similar to t-structure

It’s well known that the heart of a t-structure is an abelian category. My question is that can we find some structure on a triangulated category which can “produce” an exact category in analogy with ...
Yifei Cheng's user avatar
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"Essential injectivity" of Balmer spectra

Let $(\mathcal T, \otimes)$ be a tensor tringulated (tt-)category. Balmer defined a functor from the category of tt-categories to the category of locally ringed spaces, called the Balmer spectra or tt-...
P. Usada's user avatar
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Moral reason for negative sign in rotation axiom for triangulated categories

I would like to know if there is a "moral" reason why in the definition of triangulated categories the "rotation axiom" TR2 requires that we have to add a negative sign to an arrow ...
JackYo's user avatar
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Literature request: $K^b(\text{proj} A)$ Krull-Schmidt for $\text{gl dim}A = \infty$ and general results about its Grothendieck group

I'm interested in the Grothedieck group of the triangulated category $K^b(\text{proj}A)$ when $A$ is a finite dimensional algebra over a field of infinite global dimension. For this purpose, It would ...
Momo1695's user avatar
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Decompose an unbounded (cochain) complex in the homotopy category

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category, it is known that any complex $A^{\bullet}$ admits a distinguished triangle $$B^{\bullet}\rightarrow A^{\bullet}\rightarrow C^{\bullet}\rightarrow B^{\bullet}[...
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Mapping cone is a functor

It is a well-known general fact that in a triangulated category, the cone $Z$ of a morphism $X \longrightarrow Y$ (that means there exists a distinguished triangle $X \longrightarrow Y \longrightarrow ...
Alexey Do's user avatar
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Cone of morphism induced by Serre duality

For a smooth projective variety $X$, Serre duality gives an exact autoequivalence on the derived category : $$ S_X : D^\flat(X) \to D^\flat(X), \hspace{3em} S_X(-) = - \otimes \omega_X[\dim X] $$ ...
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