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Canonical comparison between $\infty$ and ordinary derived categories

This question is a follow-up to a previous question I asked. If $\mathcal{D}(\mathsf{A})$ is the derived $\infty$-category of an (ordinary) abelian category $\mathsf{A},$ then the homotopy category $h\...
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Pushforward of exceptional vector bundle is spherical for local P^2

I've been reading through a bit of the literature on stability conditions, and one of the models that has come up is the 'local projective plane'. Explicitly, this is the total space of the canonical ...
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15 votes
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Why do we say IndCoh(X) is analogous to the set of distributions on X?

$\DeclareMathOperator\IndCoh{IndCoh}\DeclareMathOperator\QCoh{QCoh}$I've seen it written (for example, in Gaitsgory–Rozenblyum) that for a scheme $X$, the category $\IndCoh(X)$ is to be thought of as ...
JustLikeNumberTheory's user avatar
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Derived flat bundles

I am looking for a notion of derived flat bundles over a surface $X$. Flat vector bundles may be thought of in terms of surface representations $\pi_1(X)\rightarrow\text{GL}(V)$. Is there a notion of ...
user521599's user avatar
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Algebraic Fukaya categories and mirror symmetry

Dominic Joyce and collaborators have outlined a programme to construct algebraic Fukaya categories on an algebraic symplectic manifold (“Fukaya categories” of complex Lagrangians in complex symplectic ...
Robert Hanson's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the k-linear structure on the derived infinity category of quasi-coherent sheaves?

Let $f : X \overset{f}{\rightarrow} Y \overset{g}{\rightarrow} \mathrm{Spec} (k)$ be morphisms of schemes (feel free to add any hypothesis necessary). Let $\mathrm{QCoh}(Y)$ denote the derived (stable)...
Piotr D.'s user avatar
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Computing Grothendieck group of (unnodal) Enriques surface

Let $X$ be an unnodal Enriques surface together with an isotropic 10-sequence $\{ f_1, \dots, f_{10}\} \subset \operatorname{Num}(X)$, and let $F_i^\pm \in \operatorname{NS}(X)$ denote the two ...
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resolution property and perfect stacks

Recall that for a scheme $X$, it has the resolution property if every coherent sheaf $E$ on $X$, is the quotient of a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_X$-module. On the other hand, Ben-Zvi-Nadler-...
prochet's user avatar
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About an argument in absolute prismatic cohomology

In Bhatt-Lurie Absolute prismatic cohomology, proof of Corollary 4.1.15, it asserts that extension of scalars along the quotient map is conservative and preserves small limits: I think the ...
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Should we expect Kuznetsov component to be independent of exceptional collection

As explained in the comments of this answer, given a smooth Fano 3-fold of index 1 and genus $g \geq 6$, we have two semiorthogonal decompositions $$\langle \text{Ku}(X), \mathcal{E}, \mathcal{O}_X\...
cdsb's user avatar
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4 votes
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Cohomological methods in intersection theory and derived categories

Are there any enumerative questions akin to: “What is the number of planes containing a given line tangent to a given cubic surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$” that we can answer using derived categories? I've ...
locally trivial's user avatar
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Cone of morphism induced by Serre duality

For a smooth projective variety $X$, Serre duality gives an exact autoequivalence on the derived category : $$ S_X : D^\flat(X) \to D^\flat(X), \hspace{3em} S_X(-) = - \otimes \omega_X[\dim X] $$ ...
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Derived $\ell$-completion of $\mathbf{Q}_\ell$ sheaf?

I came across some notation that I’m having trouble understanding in Hansen-Scholze’s preprint ‘Relative Perversity.’ In the last paragraph of Proposition 3.4 there is the notation $A\widehat{\otimes^{...
Tomo's user avatar
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Right adjoint of subcollection of semi-orthogonal decomposition

Suppose $X$ is a prime Fano threefold of index 1 such that $H = -K_X$ is ample. There is a full classification of the derived category of such threefolds depending on the genus of $X$; in the case ...
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Left adjoint for nested admissible categories

This question is motivated by the construction of the Kuznetsov component on a prime Fano threefold $X$ of index 1 (say genus $g \geq 6$, $g \neq 7, 9$): $$ D^b(X) = \langle Ku(X), E, \mathcal{O}_X \...
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