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Questions tagged [curves]

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Sum of two triangles in a projective plane modulo a conic

Given a conic $C$ in the complex projective plane, say $C=\{c:=x^2+y^2+z^2=0\}$, and two “triangles” (given as zeros of products of 3 linear forms $\ell=\{ax+by+cz\}$) $\ell_1\ell_2\ell_3$, $\ell'_1\...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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Divide angles by coefficients relate to Fibonacci sequence

In the left Figure, consider a right triangle $OPA$ with $\angle {AOP} = 90^\circ$. Let $\ell$ be the reflection of $PO$ in $PA$ and $\ell$ meets $OA$ at $A_1$. Let $O_1$ be the center of the circle $(...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Cokernel of map of dual of sheaves of differentials/deformations

Let $C$ be a nodal projective curve over an algebraically closed field of genus at least $2$. There are two natural "differential objects" one can consider: The sheaf of differentials $\...
Matthias's user avatar
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Difference in length of two dimensional concentric closed paths

Two bicyclists ride side by side around a smooth loop with the outside bicyclist a distance of $D$ from the inside bicyclist. How much further does the outside bicyclist ride? If the loop is a circle, ...
Terry Wagner's user avatar
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Is a simple closed curve always a free boundary arc?

Is it possible to extract a neighborhood around any point on a simple closed curve such that the boundary of this neighborhood intersects the curve at only two points? For a simple closed curve $\...
Pacific saury's user avatar
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Inflection point calculation for cubic Bézier curve encounters division by zero

I've been working on finding the inflection points of a cubic Bezier curve using the method described in a paper Hain, Venkat, Racherla, and Langan - Fast, Precise Flattening of Cubic Bézier Segment ...
Ziamor's user avatar
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Biot-Savart-like integral for a toroidal helix

The following problem originates from Physics, so I apologize if I will not use a rigorous mathematical jargon. Let us consider a toroidal helix parametrized as follows: $$ x=(R+r\cos(n\phi))\cos(\phi)...
AndreaPaco's user avatar
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Curvature of randomly generated B-spline curve

I am working on Bayesian statistical estimation of parameters (control points) of closed B-spline curve bounding an object on a an image. The problem is that I require those curves to not be much &...
MatEZ's user avatar
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9 votes
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Are any embeddings $[0,1]\to\mathbb{R}^3$ topologically equivalent?

Suppose we are given embeddings $f_1,f_2:[0,1]\to\mathbb R^3$. Does there exist a homeomorphism $g:\mathbb R^3\to\mathbb R^3$ such that $g\circ f_1=f_2$? This question seems to be classical eighty ...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
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Vanishing of Goldman bracket requires simple-closed representative?

Let $\Sigma$ be a connected oriented surface, and $[-,-]\colon \Bbb Z\big[\widehat\pi(\Sigma)\big]\times Z\big[\widehat\pi(\Sigma)\big]\to Z\big[\widehat\pi(\Sigma)\big]$ be the Goldman Bracket. Note ...
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More on points on a curve of genus 3

Let $Y$ be a smooth complex projective curve of genus two, $X$ a Galois cover of degree two of $Y$ and $K$ the canonical divisor of $X$. Let $i$ be the involution of $X$ over $Y$. Can one find two ...
user95246's user avatar
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Points on curves of genus 3

Let $Y$ be a smooth complex projective curve of genus two, $X$ a Galois cover of degree two of $Y$ and $K$ the canonical divisor of $X$. Let $i$ be the involution of $X$ over $Y$. Can one find a point ...
user95246's user avatar
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A closed curve can be homotopic to remove all intersections with a filling $\Gamma$ if it has zero geometric intersection numbers with $\Gamma$

Let $\Sigma$ be a compact oriented connected bordered surface other than the pair of pants. Let $\Gamma:=\{\gamma_i\}$ be a finite collection of simple closed curves on $\Sigma$ such that each ...
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4 votes
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Characterization of a non-trivial non-peripheral element of the free homotopy classes of a compact bordered surface

Let $\Sigma$ be a compact orientable connected $2$-manifold with a non-empty boundary. Let $\widehat \pi(\Sigma)$ denote the set of free homotopy classes of curves in $\Sigma$. We say $x\in \widehat \...
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Fibrewise coordinates in a neighborhood of a graph of a continuous curve

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, $\dim M=n$ and $\gamma:[0;1]\to M$ be continuous. Is it true that there exists local coordinates $(y^0,\ldots,y^n)$ in a neighborhood $V$ of the graph $\{(t,\gamma(t)),t\...
Lev's user avatar
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