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How to determine the LS category of branched covers?

Define the (normalized) Lusternik-Schnirelmann (LS) category of a space $X$, denoted $\mathsf{cat}(X)$ to be the least integer $n$ such that $X$ can be covered by $n+1$ number of open sets $U_i$ each ...
ShamanR's user avatar
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Relation of branched covers and groups

I am self-studying covering spaces of topological spaces. The following question comes to my mind. In the case of topological covering spaces, we have a nice relation between the fundamental group of ...
KAK's user avatar
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What is definition of branched covering?

What is definition of branched covering in the page 10 of following paper ? In Hatcher, Allen; Lochak, Pierre; Schneps, Leila, On the Teichmüller tower of mapping class groups, J. Reine Angew. Math. ...
Usa's user avatar
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Visualizing genus-two Riemann surfaces: from the three-fold branched cover to the sphere with two handles

I am trying to visualize the genus-two Riemann surface given by the curve $$ y^3 = \frac{(x-x_1)(x-x_2)}{(x-x_3)(x-x_4)}. $$ We can regard this surface as a three-fold cover of the sphere with four ...
Holomaniac's user avatar
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Monodromy representation of elementary simple covers

Let $X$, $Y$ be smooth, connected, compact manifolds (for instance, projective varieties) and $f \colon X \longrightarrow Y$ be a finite, branched cover of degree $n$, with branch locus $B \subset Y$. ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Cohomology of ramified double cover of $\mathbb P^n$ (reference)

Let $X\rightarrow \mathbb P^n_{\mathbb C}$ be a double cover ramified over a smooth hypersurface $B$ of degre $2d$. In the case of hypersurfaces of $\mathbb P^n$ one can determine the integral ...
pi_1's user avatar
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Two transfers for ramified or branched covers

Let $\pi: X \rightarrow Y$ be a 2-fold branched cover of complex varieties. I know of (at least) two types of pushforwards associated to this situation: If I'm not mistaken, there is a pushforward ...
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