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Bob Hanlon's user avatar
Bob Hanlon
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Clarksville, MD
Mathematica does not accept that this variable is a positive real?
A list is automatically converted, e.g., look at {Rin, L1, C2, L3, Rout} \[Element] PositiveReals // FullForm
Why does Replace function not work the first time I try it?
I don't know why it doesn't work, but you can use ReplaceRepeated (//.) instead of ReplaceAll (/.)
Why does FindInstance[x>0,x] give 27?
Because as Options[FindInstance] shows, the default RandomSeeding is 1234
How to use these many conditions inside product?
@yarchik - As you indicated, it is not clear what was intended. You are free to interpret the intent as you wish.
Checking whether a linear homogeneous system with m equations and n>m unknowns, has m unknowns that are sums with positive coefficients of the others
Your rv does not consists solely of variables. Some elements are products of variables. Do you want the products treated as if they were single variables or rather split into the separate variables?
Is the output for ConvexHullRegion wrong in Mathematica 13.3?
Under the Help menu, use Give Feedback ...
How to find the solutions to simulteneous linear equations in mathematica, in case if the solution to them is not unique?
@yarchik - It was documented in V7 (perhaps earlier?). See While no longer documented, it still works. You can emulate this by also using Eliminate
How to find the solutions to simulteneous linear equations in mathematica, in case if the solution to them is not unique?
Or Solve[{b + c - a - d == 0, 2 b - a + c == 0, c - e == 0}, {b, d}, {c}] or Solve[{b + c - a - d == 0, 2 b - a + c == 0, c - e == 0}, {b, d}, MaxExtraConditions -> 1]
Confused about the output of `CosIntegral`
See Entity["MathematicalFunction", "CosIntegral"]["Dataset"]
How can I use the values of one plot in another one?
r /. Solve[..., r] is equivalent to SolveValues[..., r]
How can I use the values of one plot in another one?
Please provide a concrete example of what you are trying to do and show what you have tried.
Why is NDsolve plot returning an empty plot?
With NDSolve the answer is zero to some level of precision. With DSolve the answer is shown to be exactly zero.
Summation not returning a timely result
Reversing the order of the summation also works here:F1 = Simplify[Sum[16^j/(4 + 16^j), {j, a, b, c}] /. {a -> 1/2025, b -> 2024/2025, c -> 1/2025}]; F2 = Simplify[Sum[16^j/(4 + 16^j), {j, b, a, -c}] /. {a -> 1/2025, b -> 2024/2025, c -> 1/2025}]; (F1 + F2)/2 // FullSimplify
Why is NDsolve plot returning an empty plot?
Or look at sol = DSolve[{y''[x] - 2*y[x] == 0, y'[-1] == 0, y'[1] == 0}, y[x], x]
Solving and plotting roots of a non polynomial equation with parameters
Those options provide more stable operation of the Manipulate.
Summation not returning a timely result
After using N you can use Rationalize to get the exact result.
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