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Questions tagged [undocumented]

Questions on undocumented functionality of Mathematica. Note that such functions might be subject to change without notice in future versions.

35 votes
3 answers

Is using undocumented functionality a Bad Idea™?

Mathematica has a lot of very useful undocumented features. For example a hash table, a built-in list of compilable functions, additional options to CurrentValue, ...
Ajasja's user avatar
  • 13.7k
17 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of the last argument passed to the ColorFunction of a ParametricPlot3D?

According to the docs, the meaning of the arguments passed to ParametricPlot3D is $x, y, z, u, v$. This is 5 arguments: the Cartesian coordinates and the two ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
37 votes
4 answers

Question about collections of custom GUI controls for Mathematica

Background: I have only recently begun programming GUIs in Mathematica, so I have a continuous need for custom controls. I needed a scrollable list control and with the help of Google I found a ...
nilo de roock's user avatar
39 votes
1 answer

Does Mathematica support variable frame rate for any video format, in analogue of GIF-style "DisplayDurations"?

The good old GIF animation format allows us to set the duration of each individual frame in the animation separately. This is especially useful if some frames in ...
Jens's user avatar
  • 97.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to have a Tooltip for non-editable raster graphics produced by MakeBoxes?

I have a function which produces a large object I would like to hide. Formatting is of course an option but I'm hoping for something a little more meaningful using raster graphics and ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
  • 19.4k
13 votes
2 answers

Internal "Periodical" functions in version 7

In version 7 there exist these Internal` context functions: ?Internal`*Periodical* AddPeriodical   ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
  • 272k
38 votes
6 answers

What is the complete list of valid Front End Tokens?

What is the complete list of valid Front End Tokens? Preferably, by version number. Keywords: FrontEndToken, ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
  • 272k
51 votes
9 answers

Items known by CurrentValue

CurrentValue can be used to poll the state of numerous system values such as the mouse position. Its help page doesn't list all possible items, though. An item like ...
Sjoerd C. de Vries's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Bags and non-standard evaluation

What can internally be happening here? Is the evaluator just messing with us and going non-standard because it's a Bag? Or am I just not seeing how something like ...
Rojo's user avatar
  • 42.7k
85 votes
2 answers

Internal`Bag inside Compile

Since Internal`Bag, Internal`StuffBag and Internal`BagPart can be compiled down, it is a ...
halirutan's user avatar
  • 113k
14 votes
0 answers

Undocumented syntax of FilledCurve [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Undocumented form for FilledCurve[] A nice trick to get the outline paths of letters is to use the PDF exporter/importer ...
Sjoerd C. de Vries's user avatar
214 votes
26 answers

What are some useful, undocumented Mathematica functions?

There have already been some questions about some undocumented functionality in Mathematica. Such as (please add to these lists!) How can one find undocumented options or option values in Mathematica?...
41 votes
4 answers

Undocumented form for FilledCurve[]

New in Mathematica 8 is FilledCurve (and its cousin JoinedCurve). The docs state that this function can take a list of segments ...
JxB's user avatar
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168 votes
6 answers

How can one find undocumented options or option values in Mathematica?

Mathematica has a lot of undocumented or poorly documented options. How does one go about working out if there is an undocumented option that might solve a particular problem? How does one work out ...

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