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Questions tagged [pdf-format]

Questions relating to the importing, exporting, and extraction of data from PDF files

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Import PDF files embedded in an Excel file's cell

I have a row in an excel file cell with an embedded PDF in it per cell. The PDF is embedded into Excel as an object. How can I load these PDF files into Mathematica? Sorry, I do not know how to povide ...
Eisbär's user avatar
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Can someone help to convert an .nb file into a .pdf file without Mathematica?

I need help please in converting an NB file to a PDF so that I can open it. I don't have access to Mathematica and Cloud version doesn't allow uploading files for free accounts. I got it as a handout ...
Mohamed Helmy's user avatar
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Save the mathematica notebook on cloud as PDF on System/Cloud

I am using mathematica on the free Wolfram cloud version. I first tried using the option of "Print to PDF" available under the "File" on the top of Nav Bar. However, it redirects ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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How to import PDF content with sub/superscripts?

Is there any way to import text containing superscripts in PDFs correctly to plaintext? For example, ...
user5601's user avatar
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Estimating the shape of the distribution of histogram

Here is the data: data = {37., 76, 81, 81, 28, 29, 18, 18, 27, 44, 18, 17, 70, 87, 45, 32, 88, 20, 18, 44, 17, 51, 24, 37, 24, 21, 18, 18, 17, 44, 25, 16, 45, 31, 74, 38, 16, 35, 17, 44, 34, 27, 87, ...
SciJewel's user avatar
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Issue when exporting Polygons in PDF

Consider the following code ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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A few national flags not converting properly to pdf

Why is the pdf output for the following flags not rendering properly? I am using v12.2.0 on Win7-x64. ...
Syed's user avatar
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Read title & authors of a PDF file that contains a research article

Is there any way to import PDF file that is a research article and extract only its title, authors, journal, publishing details? One can import the text and images of a PDF file. But in case of ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Converting Wolfram Language Scripts (.wls) into PDFs

I have just discovered the free (as in free beer) Wolfram Engine, coming with a generous licence. After playing with Mathematica for a while, and missing the notebook feature, I would like to generate ...
antonio's user avatar
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Extracting tables from .pdf

Can we construct some automated method for extracting tables from pdfs? I can get decently far by just copy and pasting its content and splitting at newlines but it would be great if it was possible ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Problems that occur when converting to PDF files using NotebookPrint

I made a string expressed in StandardForm format. ...
Milk's user avatar
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PDF export plot markers issue

I'm having an issue with a relatively textbook pdf export ...
Vsevolod A.'s user avatar
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Combine multiple PDF files into one document side-by-side in one row

How can I arrange three PDF figures (produced by Mathematica) in pdf format side by side (or two figures above and one below), similar to the image (source: doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.108.032010) attached ...
PoreyS's user avatar
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Print to PDF issue on Wolfram Cloud (fine on Desktop)

I have looked at the previous issues with text rendering when using print to PDF, and this suggests using Wolfram Cloud due to missing fonts. However, I have consist problems when using Wolfram Cloud. ...
Claire's user avatar
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Cross platform PDF export. Consistent fonts in Windows vs. Linux

Here is an example: ...
Kuba's user avatar
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Smooth color gradient with ColorFunction (pdf export)

I wanted to plot a 2d curve (a function of the variable $k$) whose color intensity should be given by another function of $k$. This is the code: ...
Francesco S's user avatar
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Exporting histogram to PDF with log scaled heights does not seem to work on 11.2

I'm on version 11.2 and using Windows 10. Here is some data and a histogram of it with log scaled heights. ...
Kiro's user avatar
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Export graphics to PDF without whitespace borders

I have created a 3d graphics plot, and I would like to export it to a pdf file, tightly cropped (no whitespace around the outside). But if I try ...
Bruce Bartlett's user avatar
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Incorrect line thickness in the exported PDF

The code below plots and exports to a PDF file. As one can see, there is a clear difference between the plotted line thickness in the notebook (left) and in the PDF snapshot (right). This is a sister ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Export to PDF changing ticks color

I'm exporting several images like Export["path.pdf", fig, "PDF"] The output, however, have the Automatic gray coloured tick labels changed to ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Line thickness out of control in exported pdf

The code below plots and exports to a PDF file. As one can see, there is a clear difference between the plotted line thickness in the notebook and in the PDF snapshot. ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Vectorizing in 3D environments

The following code ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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How to remove meshing while exporting a plot using RegionPlot? [duplicate]

I want to plot a region using RegionPlot. The plot looks perfect when it is in mathematica. But when I export the image as .eps or .pdf file a meshgrid is appearing in the final .eps or .pdf file. ...
s_mondal's user avatar
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Hyperlinks in plain text not preserved when saving in PDF format in Mathematica V13

I have a notebook containing hyperlinks, but when I save it in pdf format (print to PDF) the hyperlinks are not blue and not clickable. According to Hyperlinks not preserved when saving in PDF format ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Pdf export is heavily flawed for simplest possible notebook such as a=b+c

File > save As ... > pdf (or print as pdf) gives me extremely bad results even for the most basic simplest possible Mathematica notebooks. Here a simple example where I can reproduce the problem....
Jakob's user avatar
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How to publish a Mathematica notebook to a journal as supplementary material?

I've done part of a proof via Mathematica. In the appendix of the paper I've linked to this published notebook, since I misunderstood "With any paid subscription plan, all files stored in the ...
Jakob's user avatar
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How to digitize the following plot?

Consider the following figure in .pdf format. For convenience, please find it in .png format below: Could you please tell me how to digitize it, i.e. extract the grid $\cos(\theta_{K^{\pm}}), P_{K^{\...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Text symbols not exporting correctly to PDF [version 13.2]

I am using Mathematica 13.2 on Ubuntu. I was trying to reproduce a plot that I made using Mathematica 12, but text symbols seem to not export correctly to PDF. This issue seems to apply to all non-...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
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Problem with exporting plot in .pdf

I have Mathematica 13.1. I am making the following plot: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Is it possible to Import a PDF and examine the lowest level commands that a PDF viewer would see? [closed]

Using Python and some Linux tools, I'm able to examine the lowest level elements of a PDF. For example, a snippet from one page looks like this: ...
Jim Marks's user avatar
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Extracting 10 first pages of multiple PDF file

I need to extract 10 first pages of around 100 PDF files. As you know, Adobe Acrobat DC doesn't allow doing so at once, and I have to extract 10 pages for each file separately. I wrote the following ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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Wrong characters when exporting a plot as pdf

When I export a Plot in Mathematica as a PDF characters in PlotLegends and AxesLabels get replaced by other characters. My code: ...
MHorstmann's user avatar
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Copy/Paste MMA code from PDF into Notebook garbles special characters

I have a PDF which contains Mathematica code and plain text. It was probably generated directly from one or more Notebooks. I am running MMA 13.1 on Ubuntu, and when I copy/paste any of the plain text ...
Jim Marks's user avatar
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NDSolve with extra parameters as a function

I have a forced heat PDE with some parameters, and my goal is to define a function as the numerical solution of the PDE with specified parameters. I have tried the following (got the idea from this ...
SaMaSo's user avatar
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Exported PDF is not accurate (even though PrintingStyleEnvironment -> "Working")

I considered a simple example using the PolygonMaker resource function from: ...
KRao's user avatar
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How can I remove the white space when I turn the Mathematica notebook (.nb) into PDF (.pdf)?

The Mathematica notebook: The PDF file: I don't know if there is something wrong with my notebook setting ratio or something.
Stellaria's user avatar
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Exporting graphics of precisely specified measurements for printing [duplicate]

None of the links bellow seem to answer the problem with printing graphics "scaled to the real world" anymore: real size image printing exporting pdf with a precise page dimension in metric ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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How to show those positioned text in the vector graph?

If we import this .pdf file with "PageImages", we can see all information about it: ...
yode's user avatar
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Edges when exporting a graphic

I use a graphics primitive: square = Graphics[{EdgeForm[], Rectangle[{-1, -1}, {1, 1}]}, ImageSize -> 10] And export it: ...
mathematica_guy's user avatar
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Exporting as a pdf truncates axes labels

Given two example plots generated with: ...
asorlik's user avatar
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Export PreviousCell of PlotGrid to PDF is not working

First, run ...
matheorem's user avatar
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Different image brightness when exporting same plot to PDF and PNG

I noticed that exporting a plot to PDF results in increased brightness relative to exporting the same plot to PNG. Here are screenshots of a PDF and a PNG obtained from the same plot. As you can see, ...
Matteo Raffaelli's user avatar
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Formatting multi-page PDF with large plots and LargeLabels on Landscape orientation

I'm trying to create a multi-page "PDF" (application/pdf Adobe Acrobat format) file with code similar to this minimum working example code, featuring <...
rhermans's user avatar
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How to fit many graphs neatly into a paper?

I got a graph list containing 110 highly irregular graphs with 12 vertices in the following link. ...
licheng's user avatar
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Weird PDF (also EPS and SVG) exported graphics

I'm producing a graphic (sorry for not posting the code but it's quite disordered (see edit below)) and would like to export it as a vector image. For some reason the PDF (below left) does not look ...
Daniel Castro's user avatar
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Why does polygon2FilledCurve not work here?

From my previous thread where @Alexey Popkov proposed polygon2FilledCurve to remove the outline when exporting to PDF. Now I'm trying to apply that to this but it ...
hana's user avatar
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How to remove the outline overlapping with grid? [duplicate]

Bug introduced in 12 or earlier and persisting through 13.1.0 [CASE:4899765] How can I remove the outline in my export PDF here which seems to be caused by the overlapping of the shape and the grid ...
hana's user avatar
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Figure weirdly damaged after Exporting

I use the following code to generate and export a simple combined figure with an epilog of the long horizontal arrow. ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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How to export VECTORIZE image in PDF format as output of ListLinePlot?

It seems that ListLinePlot is not generating VECTORIZE PDF file when using Export command. I use the command : ...
Kumar Gaurav Sagar's user avatar
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How to export pdf with bookmarks?

PDF files exported from the notebook have no bookmarks, It's not convenient. Is there any way to add bookmarks for each sections in the exported pdf files? The table of content is also not supported.
Knife Lee's user avatar
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