
I'm having an issue with a relatively textbook pdf export

ll2 = ListLinePlot[{Table[{i, 0.15 + 0.1 Sin[10 i]}, {i, 0., 0.15, 0.01}], Table[{i, 0.15 + 0.1 Cos[10 i]}, {i, 0., 0.15, 0.01}], Table[{i, 0.15 - 0.1 Sin[10 i]}, {i, 0., 0.15, 0.01}]}, PlotTheme -> {"Scientific", "Monochrome"}]
Export["plot.pdf", ll2]

What I see on the screen is fine

plot in mathematica

But the exported pdf looks like this (never mind the black edges). Plot markers for the third curve are completely messed up.

plot in exported pdf

I have tried this post, but to no avail. Same goes for any vector export format.



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