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Questions tagged [pdf-format]

Questions relating to the importing, exporting, and extraction of data from PDF files

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Import PDF files embedded in an Excel file's cell

I have a row in an excel file cell with an embedded PDF in it per cell. The PDF is embedded into Excel as an object. How can I load these PDF files into Mathematica? Sorry, I do not know how to povide ...
Eisbär's user avatar
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Can someone help to convert an .nb file into a .pdf file without Mathematica?

I need help please in converting an NB file to a PDF so that I can open it. I don't have access to Mathematica and Cloud version doesn't allow uploading files for free accounts. I got it as a handout ...
Mohamed Helmy's user avatar
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Save the mathematica notebook on cloud as PDF on System/Cloud

I am using mathematica on the free Wolfram cloud version. I first tried using the option of "Print to PDF" available under the "File" on the top of Nav Bar. However, it redirects ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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How to import PDF content with sub/superscripts?

Is there any way to import text containing superscripts in PDFs correctly to plaintext? For example, ...
user5601's user avatar
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Estimating the shape of the distribution of histogram

Here is the data: data = {37., 76, 81, 81, 28, 29, 18, 18, 27, 44, 18, 17, 70, 87, 45, 32, 88, 20, 18, 44, 17, 51, 24, 37, 24, 21, 18, 18, 17, 44, 25, 16, 45, 31, 74, 38, 16, 35, 17, 44, 34, 27, 87, ...
SciJewel's user avatar
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Issue when exporting Polygons in PDF

Consider the following code ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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A few national flags not converting properly to pdf

Why is the pdf output for the following flags not rendering properly? I am using v12.2.0 on Win7-x64. ...
Syed's user avatar
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Read title & authors of a PDF file that contains a research article

Is there any way to import PDF file that is a research article and extract only its title, authors, journal, publishing details? One can import the text and images of a PDF file. But in case of ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Converting Wolfram Language Scripts (.wls) into PDFs

I have just discovered the free (as in free beer) Wolfram Engine, coming with a generous licence. After playing with Mathematica for a while, and missing the notebook feature, I would like to generate ...
antonio's user avatar
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Extracting tables from .pdf

Can we construct some automated method for extracting tables from pdfs? I can get decently far by just copy and pasting its content and splitting at newlines but it would be great if it was possible ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Problems that occur when converting to PDF files using NotebookPrint

I made a string expressed in StandardForm format. ...
Milk's user avatar
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PDF export plot markers issue

I'm having an issue with a relatively textbook pdf export ...
Vsevolod A.'s user avatar
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Combine multiple PDF files into one document side-by-side in one row

How can I arrange three PDF figures (produced by Mathematica) in pdf format side by side (or two figures above and one below), similar to the image (source: doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.108.032010) attached ...
PoreyS's user avatar
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Print to PDF issue on Wolfram Cloud (fine on Desktop)

I have looked at the previous issues with text rendering when using print to PDF, and this suggests using Wolfram Cloud due to missing fonts. However, I have consist problems when using Wolfram Cloud. ...
Claire's user avatar
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Cross platform PDF export. Consistent fonts in Windows vs. Linux

Here is an example: ...
Kuba's user avatar
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Smooth color gradient with ColorFunction (pdf export)

I wanted to plot a 2d curve (a function of the variable $k$) whose color intensity should be given by another function of $k$. This is the code: ...
Francesco S's user avatar
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Exporting histogram to PDF with log scaled heights does not seem to work on 11.2

I'm on version 11.2 and using Windows 10. Here is some data and a histogram of it with log scaled heights. ...
Kiro's user avatar
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Export graphics to PDF without whitespace borders

I have created a 3d graphics plot, and I would like to export it to a pdf file, tightly cropped (no whitespace around the outside). But if I try ...
Bruce Bartlett's user avatar
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Incorrect line thickness in the exported PDF

The code below plots and exports to a PDF file. As one can see, there is a clear difference between the plotted line thickness in the notebook (left) and in the PDF snapshot (right). This is a sister ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Export to PDF changing ticks color

I'm exporting several images like Export["path.pdf", fig, "PDF"] The output, however, have the Automatic gray coloured tick labels changed to ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Line thickness out of control in exported pdf

The code below plots and exports to a PDF file. As one can see, there is a clear difference between the plotted line thickness in the notebook and in the PDF snapshot. ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Vectorizing in 3D environments

The following code ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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How to remove meshing while exporting a plot using RegionPlot? [duplicate]

I want to plot a region using RegionPlot. The plot looks perfect when it is in mathematica. But when I export the image as .eps or .pdf file a meshgrid is appearing in the final .eps or .pdf file. ...
s_mondal's user avatar
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Hyperlinks in plain text not preserved when saving in PDF format in Mathematica V13

I have a notebook containing hyperlinks, but when I save it in pdf format (print to PDF) the hyperlinks are not blue and not clickable. According to Hyperlinks not preserved when saving in PDF format ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Pdf export is heavily flawed for simplest possible notebook such as a=b+c

File > save As ... > pdf (or print as pdf) gives me extremely bad results even for the most basic simplest possible Mathematica notebooks. Here a simple example where I can reproduce the problem....
Jakob's user avatar
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How to publish a Mathematica notebook to a journal as supplementary material?

I've done part of a proof via Mathematica. In the appendix of the paper I've linked to this published notebook, since I misunderstood "With any paid subscription plan, all files stored in the ...
Jakob's user avatar
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How to digitize the following plot?

Consider the following figure in .pdf format. For convenience, please find it in .png format below: Could you please tell me how to digitize it, i.e. extract the grid $\cos(\theta_{K^{\pm}}), P_{K^{\...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Text symbols not exporting correctly to PDF [version 13.2]

I am using Mathematica 13.2 on Ubuntu. I was trying to reproduce a plot that I made using Mathematica 12, but text symbols seem to not export correctly to PDF. This issue seems to apply to all non-...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
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Problem with exporting plot in .pdf

I have Mathematica 13.1. I am making the following plot: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Is it possible to Import a PDF and examine the lowest level commands that a PDF viewer would see? [closed]

Using Python and some Linux tools, I'm able to examine the lowest level elements of a PDF. For example, a snippet from one page looks like this: ...
Jim Marks's user avatar
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