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Questions tagged [group-theory]

Questions on the group-theoretic functionality of Mathematica.

2 votes
2 answers

Unstable work of PolynomialMod

I tried to use PolynomialMod for my calculation and i need some help on working with it, because i'll need to use it several hundred times. I made such a request ...
greg's user avatar
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The central product and the permutation representation of the Pauli group of order 16

I am interested in obtaining a permutation representation of the Pauli Group $G_1 = \langle X, Y, Z \rangle$. I think this would be easy enough as a "Regular representation" but then I learn ...
Phillip Dukes's user avatar
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Why is SymmetrizedArray taking so much memory?

The context is: I take the tensor product of 2 totally symmetric tensors of rank 8, in 2 dimensions(in this case there are only 9 independent components): ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Efficient chain rule implementation

(there is a fair amount of context here) I am implementing a generalized chain rule to do some work, say for order 3 in derivatives ($\partial_i = \partial/\partial x_i$): \begin{align} \partial_i \...
Felipe's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Calculating the basis set of quotient spaces

Having a polynomial $f(x,y)$, I would like to compute the following quantity \begin{equation*} {\mathbb C}[X,Y,Z]/\langle f_{x}, f_{y}, f_{z} \rangle, \end{equation*} where $f_{x},f_{y},f_{z}$ are, ...
Shasa's user avatar
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By what criteria does Mathematica generate the list of group elements in `GroupElements[group]`?

I ask because aside from always giving the identity element first, I have found a "pattern" associated with the list given by GroupElements[group]. This &...
Phillip Dukes's user avatar
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Bug in Point Group Conjugacy Class Data

I noticed that in $Version == "13.2.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (November 18, 2022)" Mathematica has conflicting ...
evanb's user avatar
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Defining function through a formula

I would like to define a cocycle on a group that maps into the unit circle. That is, I want to be able to define a function $f:G\times G\to\mathbb{T}$ such that $f(e_G,a)=f(a,e_G)=1$ for all $a\in G$ ...
aqwer's user avatar
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Elements of a group that send one element to another

If I have a permutation group, say $S_{10}$, how do I get all the permutations that send the set {1, 2, 3} to {5, 6, 7}? I know ...
JRV's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to list all subgroups of symmetry group S_6?

I learned from that $S_6$ has $1455$ subgroups, how can I list them all in mathematica? As the comment says, the direct approach cannot solve the problem.
lapcal's user avatar
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How to find a set of generators with the smallest number of elements in a permutation group?

Given a permutation group with many generators ...
lapcal's user avatar
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How to generate all permutation matrices for 4 qubits?

In quantum mechanics, a qubit can be understood as a 2 by 1 vector denoted by Dirac notation as $$|0\rangle \equiv \left( \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 0\\ \end{array} \right) ,|1\rangle \equiv \left( \...
narip's user avatar
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Why am I having issues working with large group multiplication tables?

My mathematica running on Wolfram Cloud seems to break down if I use a SymmetricGroup greater than 6. As a basic example, when I run, ...
nj869's user avatar
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Cayley for SL group

In this paper, they are using an expander graph. It seems like it's just a Cayley graph for $SL(2,Z_p)$, where $P$ is a prime number. How do I go about making a Cayley graph as shown in the first of ...
sra's user avatar
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How to convert a polynomial into monic form of a polynomial

The function ResourceFunction["StauduharGaloisGroup"] can get a Galois Group about a monic irreducible integer polynomial. But I want to know the Galois ...
yode's user avatar
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