
I am trying to figure out what FittedModels`ParameterEllipsoid's parameters mean (I want to construct a filled ellipse)

Here is a minimum working example:

data = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}, {4, 0}};
model = a + b x^2;
nlfit = NonlinearModelFit[data, model, {a, b}, x];




Graphically spelunking to find what those parameters mean:

  Text["P1", p1 = {1.0068, -0.0344}],
  Text["P2", p2 = {2.6014, 0.215202}],
  Text["P3", p3 = {-0.9963, 0.0850}],
  Text["P4", p4 = {-0.0850, -0.9963}]      
 Frame -> True, AspectRatio -> 1]

ellipse and points

The first point is likely the ellipse center. The third point might be one of the foci.

I tried investigating where the second and fourth points come from. They look like normals because their magnitude is about 1–but nothing obvious pops up, and Normalize[(p3 - p1)] doesn't return p4 or p2.

What do the parameters of FittedModels`ParameterEllipsoid[a, b, {c, d}] mean?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I would bet that {{-0.996379, 0.0850249}, {-0.0850249, -0.996379}} is a rotation matrix. $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented Dec 11, 2023 at 17:08

2 Answers 2


Addition: At the end I've added how the ellipse is created in a more direct manner.

Copying from @Akku14 's answer (How to get rotate angle θ of rotated ellipse?), the following might be what's needed:

data = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}, {4, 0}}
model = a + b x^2
nlfit = NonlinearModelFit[data, model, {a, b}, x]
pcr = nlfit["ParameterConfidenceRegion"]

eli[x_, y_, a_, b_] = x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1 == 0
rotate = Thread[{x, y} -> pcr[[3]] . {x, y}]
Show[ContourPlot[Evaluate[eli[x, y, pcr[[2, 1]], pcr[[2, 2]]] /. rotate /. 
  Thread[{x, y} -> {x - pcr[[1, 1]], y - pcr[[1, 2]]}]], 
  {x, -2, 4}, {y, -0.4, 0.3}, 
  FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Bold, 18, Italic] &) /@ {"a", "b"}],

95% confidence ellipse for parameters a and b

Direct calculation of an approximate confidence ellipse for any two parameters in a model

n = Length[data];  (* Number of data points *)
p = 2;  (* Number of parameters in model *)
i1 = 1;  (* Indices of two parameters for joint confidence ellipse *)
i2 = 2;  (* Note in this example there are only two parameters *)
cov = nlfit["CovarianceMatrix"];  (* Covariance matrix for all parameters *)
(* Get the covariance matrix of the two parameters of interest *)
cov = {{cov[[i1, i1]], cov[[i1, i2]]}, {cov[[i1, i2]], cov[[i2, i2]]}};
estimates = nlfit["BestFitParameters"];  (* Parameter estimates *)

(* Ellipse for all confidence levels *)
ellipse = ((({a, b} - {aTrue, bTrue}) . Inverse[cov] . ({a, b} - {aTrue, bTrue})) /. estimates);

(* Contour value for approximate confidence ellipse *)
confLevel = 0.95;  (* 95% confidence level *)
c = InverseCDF[FRatioDistribution[2, n - p - 1], confLevel];

Show[ContourPlot[ellipse, {aTrue, -2, 4}, {bTrue, -0.4, 0.3}, 
  Contours -> {c}, ContourShading -> None, 
  FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Bold, 18, Italic] &) /@ {"a", "b"}],
 ListPlot[{{a, b} /. estimates}]]

95% confidence ellipse

This also works for LinearModelFit and GeneralizedLinearModelFit. Something nearly identical can be done for a confidence ellipsoid for 3 parameters. For 4 parameters you need magic mushrooms or drop acid to visualize the ellipsoid.

  • $\begingroup$ That’s it. Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 11, 2023 at 18:51

It is indeed (the inverse of) a rotation matrix, as mentioned by @JimB.

{center, semiaxes, matrix} = List @@ nlfit["ParameterConfidenceRegion"];

  Yellow, GeometricTransformation[Ellipsoid[{0, 0}, semiaxes], {Inverse@matrix, center}], 
  Red, ellipse}, Axes -> True

enter image description here


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