
I define the following piecewise function:

U[c_,n_,g_,p_]:=Piecewise[{{c^(1-g)/(1-g)-n^(1+p)/(1+p),g!=1}, {Log[c]-n^(1+p)/(1+p),g==1}}]

When I take the derivative


It returns a a third unexpected line.

enter image description here

(In the image, gamma corresponds to g)

What is the meaning of this third line and how can I remove it from the printed output?


2 Answers 2


Instead of using g != 1 use g < 1 || g > 1, then

U[c_, n_, g_, p_] := 
 Piecewise[{{c^(1 - g)/(1 - g) - n^(1 + p)/(1 + p), g < 1 || g > 1}}, 
  Log[c] - n^(1 + p)/(1 + p)]

D[U[c, n, g, p], c] // Simplify

(* c^-g *)

EDIT: Or use Simplify with your original definition

U[c_, n_, g_, p_] := 
 Piecewise[{{c^(1 - g)/(1 - g) - n^(1 + p)/(1 + p), 
    g != 1}, {Log[c] - n^(1 + p)/(1 + p), g == 1}}]

D[U[c, n, g, p], c] // Simplify

(* c^-g *)
  • $\begingroup$ Using Simplify does not return the derivative for the second case of the piecewise function, i.e. I expect two outputs but I only get one $\endgroup$
    – NC520
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 21:21
  • $\begingroup$ They simplify to one case since c^-1 == 1/c $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 21:41
  • $\begingroup$ I understand thank you $\endgroup$
    – NC520
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 22:34

It looks like Mathematica insists on having a default condition (with value zero, unless otherwise specifed).



You can construct something like

Piecewise[Drop[ass[[1]]], ass[[1, 2, 1]]]

This uses the second terms as the fall through value.


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