
I'd like to clean up the result I obtained from an inverse Laplace transform: enter image description here

First of all, I'd like to replace the square root expressions in the hyperbolic function arguments (part encircled in green) by an angular frequency expression, i.e. I want to replace the expression


with a variable "w0". Similarly, I want to replace the whole "amplitude" (part encircled in red) of the expression with a simple variable named "Z".

How do I do that? I'm actually looking for some way specify equations for w0 and Z and make Mathematica search for the required parts in the equation itself, i.e. I'd like to specify

w0 = 1/Sqrt[Cr * Ld2*Ld3/(Ld2+Ld3)]

and Mathematica should be able to extract the required parts from the trigonometric function arguments itself and replace them. Not sure if that's possible at all though.

As a second step I want to get rid of the hypberbolic sine and cosine functions that currently have imaginary arguments and would like to use nonhyperbolic sine and cosine terms. Is there a way to get rid of them?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Try something like ` .../. 1/Sqrt[Cr * Ld2*Ld3/(Ld2+Ld3)]->w0` $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 8:55