
Take two integers $a,b$ with $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b)=1$ and $a$ odd. Consider the Diophantine equation $$ a(x^2-y^2)+2bxy=1,\qquad x,y\in\mathbb Z $$

Is there any efficient way to determine whether such an equation is solvable for a given $(a,b)$? For example, for $a=9$ and $b=10$, FindInstance is unacceptably slow:

FindInstance[9 (x^2 - y^2) + 2 10 x y == 1, {x, y}, Integers] != {} // AbsoluteTiming
(* around 9 seconds on my laptop *)

I am interested in pairs $(a,b)$ much larger than $\sim 10$. Surely there must be a better, much more specific way to solve this.

  • $\begingroup$ On develop.wolframcloud.com still takes around: {9.85082,True} seconds. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 19:33
  • $\begingroup$ Could you please explain, are you interested in a general analytic formula for any a and b or a general analytic formula for fixed a and b, or a random sample of solutions produced quickly? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 20:11
  • $\begingroup$ @VitaliyKaurov Given a fixed pair of integers, say $a=99$ and $b=100$, I want to know whether the equation is solvable or not; the actual solution being irrelevant. And I want to know this as fast as possible: ideally, it should take it less than a second for pairs of order $a,b\sim 10^4$ or higher, to decide whether the equation is solvable or not. I believe there is some algorithm (Gauss? Legendre?) for this kind of polynomial equations, although I'm not sure. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 20:14
  • $\begingroup$ @AccidentalFourierTransform understood, thank you ! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 20:16
  • $\begingroup$ Strange it's so slow. There's a general approach for quadratic Diophantine equations. See this solver: alpertron.com.ar/QUAD.HTM $\endgroup$
    – Greg Hurst
    Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 22:24

2 Answers 2


To determine if a solution exists, it suffices to look at convergents of a quadratic irrational.

SolutionQ[-1|1, _] = True;
SolutionQ[0, _] = False;
SolutionQ[_, 0] = False;

SolutionQ[a_, b_] /; !CoprimeQ[a, 2b] = False;

SolutionQ[a_, b_] := 
    AnyTrue[Most[Convergents[(-b + Sqrt[b^2+a^2])/a]], solQ[a, b]],
    AnyTrue[Most[Convergents[(-b - Sqrt[b^2+a^2])/a]], solQ[a, b]]

solQ[a_, b_][r_] := 
  With[{x = Numerator[r], y = Denominator[r]}, 
    a(x^2 - y^2) + 2 b x y == 1

Some comparisons:

SolutionQ[9, 10] // AbsoluteTiming
SolutionQ[13, 9] // AbsoluteTiming
SolutionQ[99, 100] // AbsoluteTiming
SolutionQ[997, 1100] // AbsoluteTiming
SolutionQ[99711, 11011] // AbsoluteTiming
{0.00199, True}
{0.002114, False}
{0.009289, True}
{0.03192, True}
{0.743921, True}
FindInstance[9 (x^2 - y^2) + 2*10 x y == 1, {x, y}, Integers] // AbsoluteTiming
FindInstance[13 (x^2 - y^2) + 2*9 x y == 1, {x, y}, Integers] // AbsoluteTiming
TimeConstrained[FindInstance[99 (x^2 - y^2) + 2*100 x y == 1, {x, y}, Integers], 300]
TimeConstrained[FindInstance[997 (x^2 - y^2) + 2*1100 x y == 1, {x, y}, Integers], 300]
{7.4759, {{x -> -8485, y -> 3256}}}
{0.324242, {}}

The following code relies on Reduce, which is the rate-determining step and can be slow. Nevertheless, it solves $a=99$ and $b=100$ in about half a second. It solves $a=997$ and $b=1100$ in about 0.8 s. Remove "=!= {}" to see a few of the smallest solutions, if any.

AccidentalSolutionQ[a_, b_] :=
   Block[{r, s, w, y},
      r = Flatten[Table[
          Reduce[{w^2 - 4 (a^2 + b^2) y^2 == 4 a}, {w, y}, Integers] /. C[1] -> k]}],
        {k, -1, 1}], 1];
      If[r == {},
         s = {w, y} /. r;
         Map[{(#[[1]] - 2 b #[[2]])/(2 a), #[[2]]} &, 
             Pick[s, Map[IntegerQ[(#[[1]] - (2 b)*#[[2]])/(2 a)] &, s]]] =!= {}
  • $\begingroup$ Why not use the substitution x -> (w-b y)/a instead of x -> (w - 2 b y)/(2 a)? It seems that the resulting equation can be solved more quickly by Mathematica. $\endgroup$
    – Carl Woll
    Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 0:29

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