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Unanswered Questions

256 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
0 answers

Effective use of Maple T.A

I am considering using Maple T.A. as a tool for formative assessment (and possibly at some stage, summative assessment) for courses such as calculus and linear algebra. What are your experiences and ...
7 votes
0 answers

How to recognize possible dyscalculia in a student?

I am looking for input/advice regarding whether a student I just began tutoring may have dyscalculia - and, if so, how to go about broaching the subject / assisting them as best as possible. I'd ...
7 votes
0 answers

Literature on teaching and learning probability

In an earlier question, the book Exploring Probability in School (2005) (Link) was mentioned. It gives an overview of the research on the teaching and learning of probability up to that point. Does ...
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0 answers

Effectiveness of audio / video feedback

Hattie & Timperley (2007) mention a meta-analysis about video or audio feedback with a mean effective size of .64 (Table 2 on page 84). They state that this analysis was part of the meta-analysis ...
7 votes
0 answers

Teaching a Pre-Calculus Course using Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang

I am considering using Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang as the primary text for my High School Pre-Calculus course. My students have all spent a year working through the first six books of Euclid and ...
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0 answers

Examples of multiple induction

It is easy to find/construct cases that can be proven by nested induction, i.e., some variation of the theme to prove the statement $P(m, n)$ you prove $P(1, n)$ by induction as a base case for $m$, ...
7 votes
0 answers

Is WebAssign ADA compliant?

I hope this is a good place to ask about this. My institution uses WebAssign for homework in many classes. A concern has come up about being compliant with ADA. From a page on the WebAssign site, it ...
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0 answers

Teaching an alternate definition for a compactness via the induction principle

In this post on Reddit, a user proposes an alternate definition of compactness, as an "induction principle": A topological space $X$ is compact iff given a statement $P$ whose truth or falsity ...
7 votes
0 answers

Statistics for Primary School: Informal Inferential Reasoning

Is there anyone that is experienced in teaching Informal Inferential Reasoning in primary school? Mind to share your experience?
7 votes
1 answer

Research into how students read algebraic expressions

In answering another question What is the justification to teach the (redundant) use of parentheses in multiplications? I was left wondering what we actually know about students' progression in terms ...
6 votes
0 answers

What are the differences between the $n$ permutations of the Edwards & Penney Differential Equations books?

Edwards and Penney are the authors of a popular differential equations textbook. Bizarrely, there seem to be $2^4$ permutations of the title: Some versions have "Elementary" and some don't ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is there ADA-compliance certification for mathematics text books?

What factors are there to consider when adopting a text as far as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) is concerned? Is there a certification? What do you look for in the digital version of the text? ...
6 votes
0 answers

Online math quiz: students make short video explaining solution

I am teaching high school math. My students are generally hardworking and competent. Class sizes are about 35. We were recently forced online due to the pandemic, and I have been searching for a way ...
6 votes
0 answers

Potential topics for a university level mathematical thinking module

Social science training typically involves statistics as equivalent to "quantitative methods", particularly statistical modelling but also some material about data quality and exploratory ...
6 votes
0 answers

Maximize retention

I tutor high school math students. Students often struggle with a problem they had completed few months prior. Like any skill, it's natural to forget what you learned after a while. As high school ...

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