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Questions tagged [visual-proof]

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Looking for resources about visualizing in mathematics

I have learned some useful tools/books to visualize some MATH concepts: Visual Group Theory (MAA Problem Book Series) 1st Edition. The paired website with this book is GroupExplorer Visual Complex ...
138 Aspen's user avatar
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3 answers

Plainly by eye, how can 16 year olds visually distinguish $\color{red}{\vec{b} - \vec{r}}$ from $\color{dodgerblue}{|\vec{b}| - |\vec{r}|}$?

Yearly, I teach 16 year olds this diagram beneath (improvement of this) that reappears on standardized tests IN BLACK AND WHITE below with different lengths, letters, and orientation. Tests require ...
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6 votes
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Visual aids for understanding group theory

I want ideas for pictorial representation of groups which can help one understand the different group theorems. Here are some examples of the type of thing I am looking for. In this video by socratica ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
4 votes
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What would you recommend for the math thinking course for school?

We're going to make a new math course for kids as intermediary between middle and high school with math profile (for preparation to entrance exams to high school), and before the main part (arithmetic,...
paus's user avatar
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Are there mathematical proof info-graphics?

I am teaching mathematical proof to kids (10th grade) and am of the opinion that proofs of theorems are a good place to start, where almost all of mathematics' important players come together. On ...
Ashish Shukla's user avatar
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A formula for the area of a rectangle [closed]

This is a question about elementary geometry, so I think it belongs on this site. Let $d$ be the length of a diagonal in a rectangle, and let $m$ be half the perimeter. Then a formula for the area ...
Dag Oskar Madsen's user avatar
10 votes
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Styles of visualization in geometry

Some people talk about visual thinkers and non-visual thinkers, but I am interested in a contrast within styles of visual thinking. There are people who readily visualize complicated flow charts and ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The role of visualization and intuition in graduate and postgraduate math and developing it

[I am not an mathematics educator; but because the process of learning is educating yourself, I'm posting it here] In Visual Complex Analysis's preface, the author gives an analogy with pseudo-deaf ...
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27 votes
18 answers

Given a 3 4 5 triangle, how do you know that it is a right triangle?

Without knowing the Pythagorean theorem, and in presenting reasons why the theorem might be true (without giving a full proof), is there any way to give examples of triangles that are intuitively ...
Mitch's user avatar
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About visual ways of teaching Math

There is a concept called 'Infographics' that uses lots of colourful diagrams and graphs and artwork to visually depict some set of concepts and tries to explain the ideas through pictures. I ...
201044's user avatar
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7 votes
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Visual representation of Cartesian Product of groups

I'm today trying to construct a lesson on theory and problems of group theory. A specification of this lesson would be to use as much visual representations as possible. I have found some trivial ways ...
Chirac's user avatar
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Solidifying Bubble Surfaces

Dip a wire frame into a bubble mix and you have a bubble forming a minimal surface spanning the wire frame. These bubble surfaces have been used to demonstrate math and physics concepts like ...
Herng Yi's user avatar
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15 votes
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The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Vegetables

When I was an undergraduate, someone presented to me a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus using entirely vegetables. I found this incredibly fun at the time, but I can't remember who ...
Chris Cunningham's user avatar
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8 answers

Visual Pythagorean demonstration

I know that there is a visual demonstration of $a^2+b^2=c^2$ using a smalĺ piece of paper, but there are also a lot of variations. Which visual or drawing demonstration of the Pythagorean theorem can ...
Fractaliste's user avatar