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RobPratt's user avatar
RobPratt's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • NC, USA
5 votes

Probability of choosing cards from a standard deck of 52

5 votes

Find a generating function involving a tiling problem

5 votes

Computing the binomial sum $\sum_{0\le i<j\le n}j\binom ni$

5 votes

Notation for set minus

5 votes

The minimum $N \times N$ square covering problem for $1 \times 4$ shaped tetrominoes

5 votes

Find the formula for the convolution of the sequences (generating functions)

5 votes

The sum of fractions of square of binomial coefficient DIVIDED by index variable

5 votes

Doing a Charnes-Cooper transformation with matrices and an zero-one constraint

5 votes

Max packing of cars in square parking lot

5 votes

What combination of inputs results in the largest output?

5 votes

Explain how $\sum_{k = 1}^n\frac{k^2}{2^{k - 1}} = \sum_{k = 0}^{n - 1}\frac{\left(k + 1\right)^2}{2^k}$?

4 votes

Number of ways a committee could be formed if Mr $A$ refuses to serve on the committee if Ms $B$ is a member

4 votes

How should I solve combination addition like this?

4 votes

Maximum number of students such that they all have at least 3 out of 6 different answers.

4 votes

Minimum number of dominoes on an $n \times n$ chessboard to prevent placement of another domino.

4 votes

Intersections between two columns of equal number points

4 votes

Construct $b_n$ so that $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_n=B$

4 votes

Guaranteed to guess two numbers in one from twelve lottery tickets, if falls $6$ balls with numbers from $1$ to $36$

4 votes

What is the pattern in this set {2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, ...}?

4 votes

How many bit strings of length 8 have a weight of 5 start with 101 OR end with 11.

4 votes

Algebraic proof of $\sum_{k}\binom{n}{2k}\binom{2k}{k}2^{n-2k}=\binom{2n}n$ (Combinatoric proof is given)

4 votes

Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4}. How many equivalence relation are there and describe them?

4 votes

what is the value of $\binom{n}{1}​+\binom{n}{4}+\binom{n}{7}​+\binom{n}{10}+\binom{n}{13}+\dots$

4 votes

Why are all functions $\{0,1\}^t \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ expressable as polynomials?

4 votes

Number of ways to color in a $2\times5$ grid

4 votes

Partitions using only powers of two on $1000.$

4 votes

How to construct a 5-regular graph with diameter 2 on 22 vertices?

4 votes

Maximum odd number of subsets, each intersects exactly half of the others

4 votes

Solving binomial summation $\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor} \binom{n-k}{k} 2^{n-k}$

4 votes

Are constants allowed within an objective function for a linear programming problem?

1 2
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