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Vincent Granville's user avatar
Vincent Granville's user avatar
Vincent Granville
  • Member for 6 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
10 votes

Are there any series whose convergence is unknown?

6 votes

Potentially new approach to factoring big numbers

3 votes

Non standard solution to $f(x) = \frac{1}{2}\Big(f(\frac{x}{2}) + f(\frac{1+x}{2})\Big)$

3 votes

Successive records in mathematical sequences: surprising result

3 votes

Simple recurrences converging to $\log 2, \pi, e, \sqrt{2}$ and so on

2 votes

Integral $\int_0^\infty \frac{|\sin\sqrt{qx}|-|\sin\sqrt{px}|}{x}dx$

2 votes

Prove the following integral inequality: $\int_{0}^{1}f(g(x))dx\le\int_{0}^{1}f(x)dx+\int_{0}^{1}g(x)dx$

2 votes

Value of $\frac{1}{3!} - \frac{1}{6!} + \frac{1}{9!} - \frac{1}{12!} + \ldots$

1 vote

Potentially new approach to factoring big numbers

1 vote

Curious convergence domain for $x_n$ defined by $(a_1 n+ b_1) x_{n+2} = (a_2 n + b_2) x_{n+1} - (a_3 n + b_3) x_n$

1 vote

Derivative and calculus over sets such as the rational numbers

1 vote

Density of a particular set of numbers

1 vote

Probability distribution of the product of random numbers

0 votes

Direct construction of the real numbers using only the integers (c.f. Eudoxus reals)

0 votes

The following seems true for a wide range of functions: $\sum_{k=1}^n f(k)f(n-k) = n f^2(n/2) (1 + o(1))$

0 votes

How can I prove that $4^{n} + 5$ is divisible by $3$.

0 votes

Limiting distributions (attractors) associated with the discrete difference operator - application to error detection

0 votes

Positiveness of some functions, connection with the central limit theorem and stable distributions

0 votes

Curious convergence domain for $x_n$ defined by $(a_1 n+ b_1) x_{n+2} = (a_2 n + b_2) x_{n+1} - (a_3 n + b_3) x_n$

0 votes

What is more elementary than: Introduction to Stochastic Processes by Lawler

0 votes

Some distributions / auto-correlations associated with irrational numbers

0 votes

Probability question with application to number theory and cryptography

0 votes

Interesting facts/ proofs about rational and irrational numbers

0 votes

Conjecture about the distribution of $0/1$ in the binary expansion of rational numbers

0 votes

Convergence and limit for Collatz type of recurrence