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user541686's user avatar
user541686's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
64 votes

Intuitively, what is the difference between Eigendecomposition and Singular Value Decomposition?

53 votes

Easy example why complex numbers are cool

36 votes

Why does the Newton-Raphson method not converge for some functions?

28 votes

Arithmetic mean. Why does it work?

27 votes

Most ambiguous and inconsistent phrases and notations in maths

22 votes

Why not include as a requirement that all functions must be continuous to be differentiable?

21 votes

Why is the notion of analytic function so important?

21 votes

How to solve the inequality $x^2>10$ using square roots?

17 votes

Why study finite-dimensional vector spaces in the abstract if they are all isomorphic to $R^n$?

16 votes

What are some mathematically interesting computations involving matrices?

16 votes

Does the alternating sum of prime reciprocals converge?

16 votes

Logic behind dividing negative numbers

14 votes

Why don't we use the partial derivative symbol for normal derivatives?

13 votes

What does this converge to and why?

13 votes

Examples of problems that are easier in the infinite case than in the finite case.

12 votes

Distributive law for fraction arithmetic

12 votes

How to verify if a curve is exponential by eyeballing?

11 votes

Is log the only choice for measuring information?

11 votes

Is there a symbol for plus and minus as opposed to plus or minus?

11 votes

What is the closed form of the $f$ with $f(1)=1$, $f(2)=7$ and $f(n)=7f(n-1)-12f(n-2)$ ($n\ge 3$)?

10 votes

How to solve this recurrence $K(n)=2K(n-1)-K(n-2)+C$?

10 votes

What are "instantaneous" rates of change, really?

8 votes

Examples of problems that are easier in the infinite case than in the finite case.

8 votes

What's wrong in this method of solving a difference equation?

7 votes

What actually is a polynomial?

7 votes

What kind of functions cannot be described by the Taylor series? Why is this?

7 votes

How important are the role of asymptotes in a hyperbola?

7 votes

Stopping the "Will I need this for the test" question

6 votes

If I flip a coin 1000 times in a row and it lands on heads all 1000 times, what is the probability that it's an unfair coin?

5 votes

Solve a system of differential equations